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Tourist guides: Copenhagen, Denmark

09/19/2008 Acrobat (pdf, 65 KB)

The hotel booking website reveals all the keys to "the most livable city in the world"

Copenhagen has recently been named "the most livable city in the world" by the global business magazine Monocle, and it's easy to find out why. With an abundance of green space and an unparalleled metro network, Copenhagen sets a precedent for all other major European cities. has a dedicated team of experts around the world who know very thoroughly the cities in which they operate, and they personally take care of the elaboration of these guides, choosing the newest and most original hotels, as well as the best offers and the essential points to visit the city.

Tulip Residences (four stars) Private rooftop terraces From 233* euros per room per night

The Tulip Residences has opened its doors in May of this year and is located in the heart of the city, a short distance from Stroget, the main shopping street of the city. In its Lounge bar you can enjoy a selection of champagnes, local beers and cognacs, before dining in its famous Office restaurant. All rooms are two-room suites, equipped with kitchenettes, high-speed Internet access and CD players. For those who want total luxury, the hotel has five penthouse suites, each with a private terrace. To book, visit

The Hotel Fox (three stars) Design hotel From 104* euros per room per night

Created by Volkswagen for the launch of the new Fox car in April 2006, this hotel is a creative and hyper-modern accommodation in the city centre, within walking distance of the Tivoli Gardens. Each room has been created as a design statement by one of the 21 artists commissioned. The hotel commissioned 21 young artists, illustrators, graphic designers and graffiti artists to decorate its 61 rooms, which has given rise to a beautiful atmosphere full of creativity. Thus, the rooms vary in style from the suspense of the 60s to urban culture, passing through Japanese manga. To book, visit

Hotel Copenhagen Admiral (four stars) Old salt warehouse From 166* euros per room per night

Formerly an eighteenth-century warehouse, the Hotel Admiral is along the coast of Copenhagen, near the Queen's Palace, and has wonderful views of the harbour. Its Salt Restaurant (named for the bags of salt that were stored here in the 1700s century) was designed by the famous architect Terence Conran and serves Danish specialties. Each of the rooms has a unique style and is decorated with pieces of modern art. To book, visit

Hotel Radisson SAS Royal (five stars) Designed by Arne Jacobsen From 126* euros per room per night

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This hotel retains the original design, from the cutlery to the lampshades, having been designed by Arne Jacobsen, the famous Danish designer. The hotel is opposite the Tivoli Gardens and a short walk from Stroget, the city's main shopping street. The minimalist-designed Alberto K Restaurant serves dinners of up to 10 courses and offers panoramic views of the city. To book, visit

Stay at the four-star Imperial hotel, a short walk from Tivoli Gardens. All rooms have been recently renovated and the Imperial Grill Room serves local meat and fish specialties. From 139* euros per room per night booking in Stay at the four-star hotel 71 Nyhavn, near the Stroget shopping street and overlooking the harbour. Formerly an eastern spice warehouse, the hotel's restaurant, Pakhuskælderen's, serves the freshest local ingredients and is one of the most romantic restaurants in the city. From 155* euros per room per night in

The magic of moonlight Strangely, one of the best times to visit Tivoli, Denmark's oldest park and gardens, is night. Opened in 1843, the park was the inspiration for Disneyland and every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night in summer at 23:45 there is a magnificent fireworks show.

A trip to Copenhagen wouldn't be complete without stopping to shop for pieces of the city's most famous porcelain. One of the best places to visit is the warehouse of the Royal Copenhagen ship at Amagertorv 6. It's worth remembering that most stores close between 3 and 4pm on Saturdays and usually only open on the first Sunday of each month.

Visit Sweden Cross the Bridge that connects Denmark with Sweden and visit Malmo, a quiet town with some lovely restaurants and shops. The more daring should visit Ribersborgs Kallbadhus – outdoor baths with separate Swedish saunas for men and women. Cool off in a second by diving into the icy Scandinavian Sea.

Explore Copenhagen by bike (free) As bicycles are the preferred means of transport for Danes, most of the city's roads have special bike lanes. For a deposit of just 20 Danish Kroner, visitors can use any of the 2,000 city bikes parked at more than 100 points in the city centre, available from April to December. For more information visit

*All prices and offers are valid from September 15, 2008, but are subject to change.

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** The website is the most visited in the category 'Hotels/Accommodation Provider', according to comScore Media Metrix (January-December 2007).


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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