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42% of Spaniards have ever lost their suitcase on a trip

2008-09-23 Acrobat (pdf, 50 KB)

8% of them never recovered their luggage Among the people who have ever lost their luggage, 71.6% are women 50% of the people who did not manage to recover their bags live in Madrid

When we plan a trip and are about to get on the plane, we all have the same fear. We follow our luggage with our eyes along the automatic belts asking ourselves: Will my suitcase be lost? Will it arrive correctly at my destination? A study by, the most visited hotel booking website in the world*, has revealed that 42% of Spaniards have lost their luggage on occasion.

Among people who have lost their suitcase at least once in their lives, 71.6% are women, while 28.3% are men. Probably this data is related to the fact that women have a greater tendency to check in suitcases, while men's luggage is usually smaller and, in general, they only check in when necessary.

Of the total number of respondents, 25% said that their suitcase appeared after a few days, while 4% have not recovered it. On the other hand, 8% declare having lost their luggage on more than one occasion. Thus, it can be deduced that, despite the high rate of loss of suitcases, in many cases they usually appear shortly after.

Among the people who lost their suitcase and did not recover it, 50% live in the Community of Madrid. In second and third place, respectively, are Andalusia (17%) and Valencia (17%). As for those who were lucky enough to see their luggage again after a few days, the Catalans stand out in first place, with 22%, followed closely by residents in Madrid (20%) and the Basque Country (12%). Regarding those who claim to have lost their suitcase on more than one occasion, Catalonia and Madrid stand out again tied with 31%. In this way, we see that, in general, the citizens of Madrid are the least fortunate and those who lose their luggage the most.

- Publicidad -

* The website is the most visited in the 'Hotels/Accommodation Provider' category, according to comScore Media Metrix (January-December 2007).


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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