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The best hotels to travel with pets according to

2008-09-25 Acrobat (pdf, 47 KB)

The hotel booking website complements this ranking with a series of tips for those traveling with animals

It is not difficult to guess why dogs have earned the nickname "man's best friend". These faithful animals accompany us at home, on the street, doing sports... so why not take them on a trip too? The most visited hotel booking website in the world,*, selects the best hotels where not only will you not find problems to stay with your dog, but it will also be treated like a king.

The Westin Hotel in Valencia is an ideal option to pamper your pet. Belonging to the Starwood hotel chain, it is located a short distance from the historic center of the city. Upon arrival at the hotel, the staff will offer the dog a special bed "Westin Heavenly Dog Bed", bowls for feed, water and toys so that he does not get bored for a single second. Price per room per night from 245 euros** booking in

If you want to stay in a hotel where "Toby" is as well treated as yourself, the five-star Skt. Petri, in Copenhagen, is a safe bet. As soon as you step into this design hotel, you'll feel like it's an off-the-beaten-path place. After checking in, your dog will be offered homemade cookies... with his name written on it! The "Pet Pampering Program" also includes walking service, 24-hour pet service, beds specially designed for dogs and bowls for their food. Alpha, an English shepherd dog, is a regular guest and has served as a model to make the program. Price per room per night from 169 euros** booking in

"It's not just a dog" is the name of the pet program at the First Hotel Amaranten in Stockholm. Their mission is to offer your dog a memorable stay. They achieve this through quality food, surprise bags, toys, sweets, detailed information about dog spas, shops and walks in the surrounding area. Price per room per night from 141 euros** by booking in

- Publicidad -

If you prefer a warmer destination, Cyprus is the perfect choice. The Ayia Napa has much more to offer besides its fun beach parties. Now they also have a dog beach. It is a place where animals can run freely and play without disturbing anyone. You can choose from the wide variety of Ayia Napa hotels in

If you are planning to travel even further, for example to the United States, it can be difficult to take your dog with you. But there is an option if you miss walking with the company of a canine. In some of the larger cities like New York, Los Angeles and Boston you can rent a dog through FlexiPet.

Tips for traveling with your dog

The dog needs its own passport and rabies vaccine Some airlines carry dogs, call them and book for your pet To be sure about what it takes to travel abroad with your dog, contact the embassy of the country you are going to. Each country has a different regulation Remember that you, as the owner of the dog, are always responsible for it


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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