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× select the best hotels to travel without giving up smoking

1/10/2008 Acrobat (pdf, 55 KB)

For a couple of years, there is a phenomenon that can often be observed in Spanish cities: an excluded person, alone, who has to endure outside, trembling and enduring the inclement weather, while others have fun inside in a warm and welcoming place. This is a smoker! No matter the place: restaurants, bars or clubs... straws make social contact and normal leisure activities impossible for those who smoke. Even on vacation, the oppressed smoker cannot enjoy tobacco and has to give it up to respect non-smokers. At a time when the anti-smoking law has sown controversy in the field of hospitality, does not want to leave out smoking travelers and has drawn up a list of tolerant hotels where smoke is not a problem.

On the peninsula, the Hotel HUSA Imperial in Sant Julia de Loria Sant Julia de Loria (Andorra) is a great option for cigarette lovers. It is possible to smoke both at the reception and in its 44 rooms, which also have a private terrace, in case you prefer to breathe fresh air. This cosy 4-star hotel is located just 200 metres from the Tobacco Museum, located in the former tobacco factory that the Reig family opened in 1880. It is an emblematic building that has been rehabilitated to show the manufacturing process of tobacco and all the secrets of this plant. A tribute to smokers and their history. From 59€* per room per night via

Another interesting option is the Park Inn Berlin-Alxanderplatz. Although smoking is prohibited in the public areas of this four-star hotel in Berlin, the park inn managers offer a great alternative for guests who smoke: a bus that has been converted into an exclusive smoking room is parked in front of the hotel. The room can accommodate twelve smokers, is equipped with an ultra-modern TV and has a heating and ventilation system. From 103 euros* per room per night booking through

A breath of oriental steam comes out of the five-star Ksar Char Bagh hotel in Marrakech. The law prohibiting smoking does not exist in the tobacco mecca, and smoking is a long-standing tradition allowed in virtually all hotels. The Ksar Char Bagh hotel can be called the "Havana" of Morocco's hotels, as it has the largest tobacco collection in the country. To experience the land of the 1001 nights in all its glory, guests can get comfortable smoking a water pipe and enjoying the breathtaking views of the snowy Atlas Mountains, from the private terrace of each of their rooms. From 583 euros* per room per night booking through

- Publicidad -

At the Hawaii Prince Hawaii Prince hotel in Honolulu, guests are not only covered with Hawaiian necklaces, but cigars and cigarettes also become a must-have accessory. Smokers can book a room in one of the four smoking hallways. Here, tobacco friends meet to enjoy cigarettes and smoke wherever they feel like it. Being so tolerant, even the self-appointed "Smoke Army" (Web that defends tobacco use and recommends hotels where you can smoke freely) recommends the Hawaii Prince. To take a break and breathe fresh air, the hotel's sunny rooftop terrace offers great possibilities to smoke another cigarette and relax. From 134 euros* per room per night booking through

*All prices and rebates are valid from September 16, 2008, but are subject to change.


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