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× teaches you the best tricks to save money on your trips

1/09/2008 Acrobat (pdf, 66 KB)

When bad economic times come, the first thing we give up are those whims like shopping or vacations. However, they are very necessary to overcome daily stress and therefore,, the most visited hotel booking website in the world*, has gathered some keys on how to get your money out of itself when you go on vacation and do not have to be forced to give up a few days of rest.

Avoid the high season If you avoid the times of greatest demand, you will have more chances of getting a good price at the hotel. This does not mean that you freeze on the beach in the middle of December, but it is not necessary to choose the crowded August, the months of May, June, July and September usually offer a pleasant weather and more affordable prices. You can also opt for an appropriate off-season trip like ski getaways or travel to a warm place in winter. For example, those who book a 5-star hotel in Nice in early summer (AprilJune) will spend an average of 333** euros per night, while those who go in the winter months (October-December) can expect an expense of 273*** euros per night in a 5-star hotel. It is also a good idea to check if there are sports celebrations or conferences in the destination that can raise prices.

Find the bargains Another important point is to forget about premeditated ideas about your vacation and choose the destination based on the offers, you can save much more than you imagine. In there is a section where it is possible to find discounts of up to 40%. These offers are updated every day, so make sure you visit the Web on a regular basis to find the best bargains. Also visit the new section "The best 10 hotels for..." in The Web offers for example a list of the 10 best deals in London to make the search for bargains even easier.

Forget the trimmings The return to the basic recipe that has been so successful in the airline industry is being adapted by some hotels. There are many simple hotels with no frills for more functional than luxurious service, and many are available in To help you choose the best of the more modest hotels, look at the reviews of customers who have stayed, so you can make sure you've made a suitable choice. Websites like and Tripadvisor are great for seeing real reviews.

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Be realistic An attic pool is a great thing, but if you're going in the middle of winter, are you really going to dive in? Likewise, hotels with a business center can have extraordinary equipment but if you are going to spend a romantic weekend, you will most likely not spend time with the computer. Think carefully about the services you'll use to make sure you don't pay over and above.

Be adventurous With low cost airlines offering cheap flights to emerging destinations, there are many opportunities to get to know new cities, where many times your money gives more of itself. Be brave and try something different. You'll often find that getting off the beaten path not only saves you money but also uncovers hidden treasures. For example, if you like the vineyards of France, why not head to Hungary, home to 22 wine appellations? If you like Dubai, try its neighboring country, Abu Dhabi, for a change. The Black Sea coast is a great alternative to the Greek Islands. And for shopping, Philadelphia, with tax-free sales on clothing and shoes, becomes a great choice instead of New York.

Kitchen! Eating in hotel restaurants can skyrocket the price of your stay, so it may be cheaper to cook yourself. It's especially a good idea if you're traveling with children. In, you can choose accommodation with self-catering, something much cheaper than eating a la carte in the restaurant.

Think when you book Although booking early is sometimes cheaper, there are also many hotel bargains that can be found at the last minute. Think carefully about the best time to find the best price for your trip.

For more information, visit

* is the most visited hotel booking site in the world in the "Hotels/Accommodation Provider" category, according to the comScore Media Metrix Measurement Index, January – December 2007. ** Average price extracted from the Summer 2007 Hotel Price Index report, which reviews the prices paid at hotels from April to June 2007. *** Average price extracted from the Hotel Price Index report of 2006, which reviews the prices paid in hotels from October to December 2006


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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