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× launches a television advertising campaign for the first time in Spain

10/07/2008 Acrobat (pdf, 53 KB)

From now on, the Web offers a telephone advice and reservations totally free of charge

The most visited hotel booking website in the world*,, has launched an advertising campaign on television for the first time in Spain, which will be broadcast until mid-November on the regional channels Telemadrid and TV3. This is a new test of the company's effort to boost the Spanish market, which is constantly growing. The media planning agency that manages the campaign is Media Contacts Spain, while the creativity is in charge of Meteorite.

As a sign of the company's intention to approach consumers, a free information and reservation telephone number has been made available: 900 814 000. Through this switchboard, travel experts offer the client personalized advice and help to carry out the procedures. They can also book directly through this line without any cost.

The spots are a reflection of the ease with which the client can manage their hotel reservations, regardless of their needs for each trip.They also transfer to the television format the fun and innovative design linked to the "wake up happy" claim, which forms the brand image released by the Web to principThe director of marketing operations of for the EMEA area, Matt Walls, has stated his satisfaction with the launch of the campaign: "The spots perfectly show the image of, characterized by the special orientation towards consumers, by making it easier for them to wake up happy in our hotels. Good service is the most important thing for us and that's why we have introduced the toll-free phone for booking management."

The purpose of this campaign is to disseminate and make more evident the values that have always distinguished the brand, especially the orientation of the portal towards consumers, and the ease, speed and comfort when booking hotels anywhere in the world. The new free customer service telephone number is another example of the implementation of these values.

- Publicidad - offers travelers a selection of more than 80,000 establishments around the world, accompanied by hotel information, photos, interactive maps and special offers, to make it easier for the customer to choose their hotel based on their preferences. The Web brings together in the same space the possibility of obtaining the rates, services and availability of the hotels, even at the times of the year of greatest affluence. In addition, the company offers a best price guarantee, so that if the client finds a lower price available for the same dates and in the same hotel or aparthotel and contacts within 24 hours of the reservation, they will refund the difference or cancel the transaction without cancellation fee**.

* The Website is the most visited in the 'Hotels/Accommodation Provider' category, according to comScore Media Metrix (January-December 2007). ** The best price guarantee is available for prepaid bookings.


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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