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× reveals the hotels where celebrities stay in New York.

10/13/2008 Acrobat (pdf, 61 KB)

Stay with Javier Bardem or Gwyneth Paltrow in the best hotels in the Big Apple, the trendy destination visited by 46 million tourists in 2007

The average price of hotels in the Big Apple is 210 euros in 2007, according to the Hotel Price Index of* This is 5% higher than the average price of hotels in 2006, according to the Hotel Price Index of * There are 73,333 hotels in New York, according to the hotel price index of* About 350,000 Spanish tourists visited the Big Apple in 2007, according to data from PKF Consulting and A total of 46 million tourists visited New York in 2007, according to data from PKF Consulting and

We have all dreamed of being part of the setting of one of the typical New York films of Woody Allen, an icon of the Big Apple. So much so that New York has become the favorite destination of tourists. Last year, it received a total of 46 million tourists, of which 350,000 came from Spain. The weakness of the dollar, which allows you to make purchases of quality items or stay in the best hotels for less money, together with the famous people who regularly visit their hotels, bars and restaurants, have produced this boom in visits. takes a tour of celebrity favorite hotels, including special offers, so you can feel like a star for less than you imagine:

Hotel 17, located in the heart of the city, in Gramercy Park Districts, the perfect place for Woody Allen lovers. In 1993, the famous New York director filmed in this hotel the film "Mysterious Murder in Manhattan". In fact, the American weekly "Entertainment Weekly" has ranked it among the 10 best cinematic accommodations. Madonna, as well as other actors, models and artists have posed in some of her rooms and Amanda Lepore, the great diva of Hotel 17, has participated in several videos of David Bowie and the Dandy Warhols, among other artists, and has posed countless times for the famous David LaChappelle. From 88 euros*** per room per night booking in

But if you want to give yourself to luxury with capital letters and sleep a few meters from Michael Douglas or Sharon Stone, makes it easy for you. The hotel

The Plaza, located on the famous Fifth Avenue, has also hosted personalities such as the Beatles, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mark Twain, Groucho Marx and F. Scott Fitzgerald. In addition, this spectacular hotel has appeared in films such as "The Great Gatsby", "Crocodile Dundee", "Breakfast with Diamonds" and "Home Alone". From 552 euros per room and night with, price to which a special rate applies: for two nights of accommodation, a 5% discount; for three nights, a 10% discount; and for 3 nights, a 15% discount.

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If your dream is to meet the attractive Ethan Hawke, without a doubt the best choice is the Chelsea Hotel, in Manhattan. It is one of the historical icons of the city where the most bohemian artists have always stayed. He is known for having witnessed the death of writer Dylan Thomas from alcohol poisoning (1953) and Nancy Spungen, stabbed by her boyfriend Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols (1978). Without a doubt it is the favorite accommodation of the Rock & Roll Stars, some famous regulars to this hotel have been Miguel Ríos, Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and Andy Wharhol. Available in from 133 euros*** per room per night.

If you fancy a few days of glamour like Javier Bardem, Heidi Klum, Kevin Spacey, Gwyneth Paltrow or Uma Thurman, choose the Soho Grand Hotel like them. Surrounded by art galleries and famous restaurants, it is one of the most luxurious hotels in New York. Located in the well-known area of Soho, it is the perfect place to go in search of celebrities and feel like the crème de la crème. From 290*** euros per room per night in

If your thing is the style of Inés Sastre, Richard Gere or Alicia Keys, stay at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Also Tim Burton, Michael J. Fox, Cuba Gooding Jr., Ewan McGregor, Kid Rock and Winona Ryder are regulars of the establishment and Paris and Nicky Hilton have practically grown up within these walls. It was the scene of the film "Esencia de Mujer", starring Al Pacino and Chris O'Donnell, and not by chance, since it is one of the most prestigious hotels in the city. This intense celebrity atmosphere is at your fingertips from only 326 euros*** per room and night booking in

* Data extracted from the last semi-annual Hotel Price Index of, March 2008.

** The website is the most visited in the 'Hotels/Accommodation Provider' category, according to comScore Media Metrix (January-December 2007).

All prices and rebates are valid from October 13, 2008, but are subject to change.


About is the world's most visited hotel booking website (comScore Media Metrix). Operating in the main markets and with a dedicated team, offers the widest range of hotels in the sector with more than 80,000 accommodations. In addition, it guarantees the best price in more than 39,000 hotels, advised individually by the team of experts of If the user finds the same room at a lower price, will pay the difference. Customers can make their reservations directly online or by calling one of the multilingual Customer Service Centers by calling 902 02 61 13.

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