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Gluttony is's favorite sin

06/02/09 Acrobat (pdf, 78 KB)

Discover the hotels where some of the world's most iconic recipes were born and make yourself a five-star chef

There are recipes that just listen to them makes our mouths water, others are timeless and maintain in them the flavor of a story and others simply teach us the speed with which man evolves, his tastes and his customs. That is why invites you to discover the origin of the most emblematic dishes in history and the hotels where they were created.

Piña Colada – Caribe Hilton Hotel and Casino (*****) From 113 euros/night*

The piña colada originates from Caribe Hilton Hotel and Casino in San Juan and dates back to 1954. The creator was a waiter at the hotel, named Ramón Monchito Marrero. The drink came from the idea of mixing the tropical flavors of Puerto Rico in a glass. The ingredients are: pineapple juice, rum and coconut cream.

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Chocolate Brownie – Palmer House Hotel (*****) From 118 euros/night*

The first chocolate brownie is said to have been invented at palmer house hotel in Chicago in 1893, during the World's Fair held in Colombia. The women asked him for a dessert that was small to put in their boxes and that could also be eaten with their hands. In addition to chocolate, this delicious dessert has nuts and a delicious layer of sugar.

Oysters with Bloody Mary Slush – Hotel Puerta América (*****) From 106 euros/night*

Tradition, elegance, sophistication, modernity, design and creativity, all these words describe the imposing and unique Hotel Puerta América in Madrid. In the same way its dishes are a reflection of the personality of this establishment. The Oysters with Slush of Bloody Mary by the renowned chef José Luis Estevan that mixes in this wonderful dish traditional cuisine with personal touches.

Waldorf Salad – Waldorf Astoria Hotel (*****) From 175 euros/night*

This salad is perhaps the most internationally recognized hotel dish. It was created in the famous Waldorf Astoria in New York in 1896 by Oscar Tschirky, who was the maitre of the hotel at the time when it was only called Waldorf Hotel. The salad has apples, celery, mayonnaise and nuts. The dish quickly became popular, so much so that it is still served in the hotel restaurant.

Carne al Lindström – Hotel Witt (*****) From 133 euros/night*

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Carne al Lindström, a classic Swedish dish, was first served at Hotell Witt in Kalmar, Sweden, on May 4, 1862. Henrik Lindström visited the hotel along with some good friends. He wanted them to try a Russian dish he ate and ordered for the table the ingredients he needed: minced meat, eggs, potatoes, salt and white pepper. Since that time, guests from all over the world have become regular consumers of this dish.

*Prices valid from May 12, 2009. Prices are subject to change.


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