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Dalí persists in the memory of

06/15/09 Acrobat (pdf, 82 KB)

Salvador Dalí turns 105, celebrate him touring the main cities that preserve his works and stay in the best hotels in Europe

In 1931 Salvador Dalí showed us how much time runs, and so much so, that the most important artist of the twentieth century has already celebrated his 105th anniversary. However, the eccentric Spanish genius bequeathed us an extensive work that is now collected around the world in five permanent exhibitions. That is why invites us to visit his most emblematic works where the "Persistence of memory" stands out, where in a surreal world he makes tangible the intangibility of time.

Dalí, the exhibition in Berlin, Germany Hotel Berlin, Berlin

On February 5, 2009 Berlin expanded its cultural opportunities with the Dalí exhibition, which includes 400 creations of the Spanish genius. The exhibition includes works such as "Don Quixote", "The Divine Comedy", "Tristan and Isolde" and the "Surrealist Angel". The hotel Berlin is the ideal accommodation for art lovers, as it is located in the always cultural German capital, a few meters from Potsdamer Platz and numerous museums, you can enjoy from only 72 euros * the night of a luxurious establishment located in the area where the government and diplomatic district of the city will soon be constituted.

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Dalí Space in Paris, France Hotel Le Relais Montmartre

In 1927 Dalí traveled for the first time to Paris and met the returns of the surrealists Joan Miró and André Bretón, who influenced the solid creations of the artist. While Dalí is a "permanent guest" in the city of light, Miró's followers will be able to be close to his exhibition with all the comforts of the Hotel Le Relais Montmartre. A three-star traditional style with upholstery of floral motifs and wooden beams that is located in a quiet street of the Montmartre district, just 800 meters from the Place du Tertre and Sacré Coeur. It is also ideally located to visit the most characteristic places of the city, such as the Paris Opera, the historic Palace de la Concorde, the Louvre, the Champs-Elysées, the Musée d'Orsay and the Eiffel Tower. From 131 euros* you can fully enjoy the charm of Paris.

Dalí, a universe in London, United Kingdom El Claridge's Hotel

In London and with the typical Art Deco style, there is the Claridge. It is located just 500 meters from Hyde Park and one kilometer from Buckingham Palace and close to the most important tourist areas, such as the Dalí exhibition. It has more than 600 creations including sculptures, lithographs, glass and bronze objects. In addition, the rooms of the Hotel Claridge have all the comforts of a luxurious hotel that from 348 euros * makes its guests not forget their stay in London.

Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres, Spain Hotel Empordá

The Hotel Empordá is the only Spanish hotel within this tour celebrating the centenary of Dalí. This three-star hotel is located in Figueras, the city of birth and rest of the multifaceted artist and the first place where he exhibited. That is why to travel to the roots of Dalí advised to visit this small city and stay in this Hotel. Specifically, it is located 500 meters from the historic and commercial center of the town and 500 meters from the Dalí Theater-Museum. From 84 euros* its guests can enjoy the typical Catalan hospitality since the hotel staff will make sure that everything is to their liking.

Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida Courtyard de Marriott

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The Dalí Museum is the flagship of Florida's West Coast tourist culture. There the exhibited creations are loaned by the private collection of A. Reynold and Eleonore Morse. Marritott's three-star Courtyard is located in the centre of St. Petersburg and is also the closest accommodation to the Dalí Museum. Traditional style is located just one kilometer from the tropical coast and the port of St. Petersburg. And from 73 euros*, you can enjoy the Spanish artist on the American coast.

*Prices valid from June 15, 2009. Prices are subject to change.



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