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Security and aesthetics in CCTV

Cameras for Closed Circuit Television in addition to their technology are also made with different designs that allow them to adapt to all kinds of places. In this article you will know which are the most suitable for hotels.

By: Duván Chaverra A.

Hotels in addition to the beauty of their facilities, as well as the comfort and convenience they seek to provide to the guest, must also try to offer 100% security in all their areas, because in addition to being a government requirement it is an issue that the client always takes into account when selecting the best place to rest.

We talk about the multiple security systems that hotels must have, among others are fire detectors, electronic cards for entering rooms or access controls, and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), an indispensable tool.

In past editions we talked about what a CCTV is, its function, its main developments and its technology; now it is time to take another look at this type of systems, the one that many detail, even think but little has been treated about its aesthetics.

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There are many types of cameras that exist for CCTV, but which are the most suitable for a hotel? Are the cameras designed for aesthetic sites? What importance do camera manufacturers give to the aesthetics of this technological device?

To solve these questions we contacted some of the most important CCTV manufacturers in the world. They will be in charge of presenting how the design of a camera is developed, which are the most suitable for the industry and will also give some recommendations for hoteliers looking for the most appropriate CCTV for their establishment.

That is why we will have the experience of Felipe Argüello, vice president of sales and business development of XTS Video; Samuel Salgado, sales engineer in Bosch's security systems division; and Tom Brigham, representative of Samsung GVI and Brigham Scully.

The most suitable cameras
Whether for the lighting, the façade or the design, not all cameras can be adapted to the facilities of a hotel or restaurant, therefore, this will be the first point to solve. What are the cameras that, in addition to offering security, adapt to the aesthetics of a hotel?

In the first instance our guests agree that the most appropriate and aesthetic are the cameras of the dome range. These are characterized by a pleasant design in addition to optimal performance with multiple functionality options.

"There are a variety of cameras that adapt to the aesthetics of a hotel, among them the most used are low-profile minidomes, but domes of various sizes are also used with semi-recessed ceiling mounting and corner cameras, which are used in elevators. In some hotels microcameras are used that can be disguised very well within the environment, "said the representative of XTS Video.

A similar comment was provided by Samuel Salgado, who commented that "trying to cover these two aspects, security and aesthetics, the type of cameras that best suit these requirements are the dome type, whether fixed or movement (PTZ), such as our series Flexidomos (fixed) and EasyDome (PTZ)".

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For his part, Tom Brigham said that aesthetics require the use of cameras that go unnoticed so that they do not mix with the design of the structures, although it is also important that they offer security and intimidate criminals: "In some situations, aesthetic demands require the use of discreet video cameras that are mixed with an interior decoration of an elegant or historic hotel. However, the visible presence of the cameras on the perimeter also serves as a warning to criminals not to enter the property as the area is under surveillance."

It is clear that there are no cameras created for hotels, especially because all these places have totally different designs, what our sources did ensure is that manufacturers and integrators seek that the cameras can be installed in the most appropriate space.

"In reality there are no cameras designed exclusively for hotels, however what is wanted at all times for this type of particular site is, in addition to considering the use of dome-type cameras as mentioned in the previous point, to look for the best location of the cameras within the facilities, in such a way that the primordial element that is security with aesthetics are conjugated in the best way", said the representative of Bosch.

In the same way, Felipe Argüello commented that "in general terms there are no cameras designed for hotels since the exterior and interior design of this place varies according to its function. However, there are very discreet cameras in terms of size, shape and color that can be concealed and practically unnoticed by guests or visitors to a hotel. There are camera designs concealed inside objects typical of hotel environments such as smoke detectors, lamps, emergency lights and air conditioning controls or thermostats."

The above statements coincide with the requirements made by hoteliers when installing a CCTV. According to manufacturers, the manager demands that his system be compact, easy to use and with the latest technology.

The representative of Samsung GVI said that megapixel IP cameras are the most appropriate and requested by consumers in this industry. "These cameras offer multi-streaming capabilities in various video formats, speed and resolutions. High-resolution cameras provide detailed coverage of larger areas, allowing you to pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) electronically within a wider, more detailed area of the image, either live or videotaped, eliminating the need for conventional PTZ cameras. Cameras in areas such as parking lots will allow hotel security to recognize the vehicle's color, license plate number and even see the driver's face."

In most cases we see that video surveillance cameras are white or gray, but let our guests explain what are the reasons why these colors predominate.

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For example, Samuel Salgado of Bosch says that the idea of color is to complement the camera with the rest of the spaces. "Normally, and with the purpose that the cameras are integrated with the decoration of the place in the most aesthetic and discreet way possible, it is that it is sought that the dome cameras are of a light (neutral) color. On the other hand, and unless otherwise required, the color of the camera should not be totally lost with the decoration of the site, since one of the fundamental purposes of a CCTV system is that it is deterrent, so the presence of the cameras must be made evident. "

Manufacturers also offer the option to design cameras and paint them the color desired by the architect or hotelier. "Today, most manufacturers of CCTV cameras make them with neutral colors that adapt to virtually any environment. White, beige, ivory or light gray are very well disguised with the typical colors of walls and ceilings. Manufacturers such as XTS Video can provide cameras in different colors or make them tailored to the requirements of the architect or interior environment designer, "said Felipe Argüello.

Our expert manufacturers took the opportunity to give all readers some guidelines to keep in mind when installing a CCTV system, ranging from the places that deserve the most attention to the design and the best selection of the product.

For example, Argüello, vice president of sales and business development at XTS Video, commented that "in general terms the protection of critical areas such as parking, guest loading/unloading areas, lobby or reception, waiting room, meeting and conference rooms, kitchen and restaurants and of course elevators, elevator exit and corridors to the rooms is recommended. Each environment must be designed separately, taking into account the safety to be provided, the color of walls and ceilings, the height and of course the form and complexity of installation to be integrated into the CCTV system as a whole."

Samuel Salgado of Bosch gave a list of some important recommendations:

That it is a system that provides the advantages of growth and updates according to the needs of the hotel itself and with the least after-sales investment of time and money
That it is backed by suppliers certified in the brands they handle, and that these are recognized for their manufacture and quality in the market; that also provide the design, implementation, commissioning, technical support and best qualified service.
Perform a detailed engineering, taking into account the specific requirements of the place to be supervised, as well as the information you want to obtain (for example select camera and lens according to the security procedure that at the time will establish, if you want to identify a person by their features, you want to supervise a scene to ensure that there is no intrusion or if you want to simply have a monitoring area, to know the general movement of the public. Another aspect is to define the backup time you want to obtain and in case an Intelligent Video Analysis (VAT) is required.

Finally, Tom Brigham of Samsung GVI and Brigham Scully commented that "keep the cameras in sight, so that potential criminals and misbehaving employees are deterred." He also invited to make a good choice of the manufacturer, highlighting the presence and accompaniment.

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