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A year of consolidation

The Colombian Association of Facility Management closed activities for 2014 with a training day in the city of Bogotá.

By Alejandra García Vélez

As the end of another year approaches, the time always comes without fail to make balances and new plans. The Association is not an exception to this rule, so it is no coincidence that it chose as the last activity of the year to carry out a five-hour training day in which a complete training in the subject of Facility Management was offered.

This day was held last Tuesday, October 28 in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. The event called "Facility Management, a growing discipline in Colombia", offered four talks aimed at offering tools to improve the productivity of companies thanks to optimal management of their infrastructure.

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The academic day brought together about 30 people in Board Room 1 of the Arturo Calle Business Center, and also served as a stage to publicize the work experience of the Association and invite all attendees to join its work project aimed at promoting and strengthening the discipline of Facility Management in the country.

The academic component of the conference was led by David Martínez, director of the firm FMHOUSE and who also serves as academic director of the postgraduate course in Facility Management at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

In the first talk of the day, Martínez addressed the topic "Impact of FM on the productivity of organizations", where he highlighted the impact that the work of the Facility Manager can have on the comfort, efficiency and productivity of organizations although it is often not perceived in that way.

This conference was followed by "Situation of Facility Management in Colombia" also given by Martínez. For his part, Adrián García, director of general services of Arturo Calle, presented as a case study the experience within Arturo Calle with the construction and transfer to the new business headquarters.

What you've learned

In the first place, David Martínez highlighted the importance of seeking the professionalization of the discipline of Facility Management. Currently, in countries such as the United States, England, Holland and Spain, Facility Management is a professional career in universities, but in Latin America it is still necessary to take that step.

However, the above is a long process for which there is still a long way to go. Meanwhile, professionals linked to this industry should focus on developing the competencies that organizations seek for the management of facilities.

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Given the current situation, Facility Management is a tool for building management to be carried out with a greater emphasis on productivity and the added value that the facility manager can give.

Another point touched during the conference, pointed out that overcrowded spaces and the physical environment are two key points in the productivity of workers in which the Facility Manager can greatly influence.

Similarly, the speaker pointed out that Facility Managers have three main audiences. The managers of the company who ask for cost savings, the area managers who ask for speed in the solution of needs, and the users as such who think about comfort. Therefore, it can be difficult to find a balance between these three factors.

Finally, the Facility Manager must be in constant communication with the management of the company, always be aware of what the trends of the organization are. Well, in the end, its objective is to help from the management of facilities so that the company can concentrate on its core business.

What 2015 holds

After the fruitful experience and the positive balance thrown by the last meeting, in addition to the consolidation reflected by the Association in 2014 with its different academic events and its evolution from association of Modern Building Managers to Colombian Association of Facility Management, the organization is preparing for an even more intense work in 2015.

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On November 5, the active members of ACFM met at a working lunch at the El Nogal Club in the city of Bogotá, where they exchanged experiences and presented some of their ideas and initiatives for next year.

Through this space in the magazine, the Association extends an invitation to all those interested in the work that the organization has been doing so far, to share their proposals for talks or events to the mail [email protected] and to be very aware of the programming of activities that will be announced at the beginning of next year.

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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