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Alcadía de Tunja will have a new Data Center



Centro de DatosColombia. On April 10, in the city of Tunja, located in Boyacá, the first project of installation and improvement of the Data Center of the Mayor's Office of Tunja will be inaugurated, a project that will be in charge of Powernet, an engineering brand in the integration of telecommunications and IT systems, which ventures into Colombia through infrastructure improvement projects and data processing centers in different regions. 

Under the parameters and standards of the engineering department, led by the engineer  Rigoberto Salazar, it is decided to make improvements to the physical and environmental conditions of the main data processing center of the Mayor's Office of Tunja, which will be located on Calle 19 No. 9 – 95, complying with the current regulations of structured cabling TIA / EIA for horizontal wiring and Datacenters.

- Publicidad -

There will be restructuring of the space that will entail a rethinking at the architectural level. New divisions will be installed, in order to be more efficient in relation to space/IT loads. This division carries a fire safety door with 2-hour fire resistance and in accordance with applicable NFPA standards.

Additionally, a high-frequency mesh will be installed, an indispensable system for a better electrical fluid with regulated current and mechanisms of action in the face of constant blackouts that allow avoiding damage to the equipment. Also,  there will be a raised steel floor with cement injection with resistance to 2000 kg and a TGB telecommunications grounding bar, to ensure personal safety and protection of the facilities against damage.

In turn, an electrical board will be put; a new LED lighting system that brings energy savings and efficiency to the Data Center; an access control system, with a high standard of security thanks to its double level of control, fingerprint and proximity card; air conditioning that maintains temperature conditions and relative humidity control; a fire and structured cabling system, a system that consists of a series of data mirrors that links all servers to the active edge and core equipment respectively, this solution will allow the Mayor's Office to have an optimal management of the wiring and a speed of up to 10 Gbps thanks to the selected category (Cat 6A). 

"These types of public sector initiatives are very important for the region and the country as they allow entities to benefit from the best quality cloud services and at the best costs. With Powernet Colombia we are promoting the saving of operations and the security of the information of Colombian companies," said Daniel Villamizar, account manager of Powernet. 

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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