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Mexico awaits the debut of the Hampton Inn by Hilton León

Mexico. Hampton by Hilton continues its expansion in Mexico with the opening of the Hampton Inn by Hilton León Guanajuato. The newly built hotel managed by Hilton Worldwide (NYSE: HLT), owned by ZDI Real Estate, joins the global brand of more than 2,000 mid-priced hotels from Hampton Inn by Hilton, Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton and Hampton by Hilton.

"As Hampton by Hilton continues this rapid growth around the world, this latest addition to our portfolio in Mexico offers business and leisure travelers convenient and comfortable rooms that they expect from the brand," said Phil Cordell, global leader of Hampton by Hilton's concentrated service hotels and brand team. Hilton Worldwide. "The contemporary and functional design of the hotel represents the latest style of the brand and blends perfectly with the development and revitalization of the area."

Conveniently located within walking distance of the Poliforum León Convention Center and the Nou Camp stadium, and close to the Guanajuato Cultural Forum, the Hampton Inn by Hilton León has 126 contemporary rooms, an outdoor terrace with sculpture garden, swimming pool, gym with the best equipment, complimentary wireless internet and three meeting rooms. The modernly decorated public areas combine cool light colors with earth tones and offer a refreshing oasis in the middle of the city's main avenue, inspiring guests to relax or be productive. Hampton Inn by Hilton Leon also offers complimentary hampton's On the House®  hot breakfast and a modern bar serving a wide selection of drinks and snacks.

One of the largest economic centers in Mexico, León is home to a strong leather industry, manufacturing shoes, boots, belts, jackets and other leather accessories for both the domestic and international market.

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Attracting global business travelers, the city offers countless opportunities for entertainment, dining, leisure activities, arts and recreation. In addition to hosting several annual events including the International Balloon Festival and the Corona Rally, it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly cities in Mexico.

"We are very excited to welcome the Hampton Inn By Hilton Leon to one of Mexico's premier cities," said Tom Potter, Senior Vice President, Latin America and caribbean, Hilton Worldwide. "This hotel is an example of the commitment of one of Hilton Worldwide's most recognized brands to continue expanding into Latin America."

Hampton by Hilton embraces a unique culture of hospitality called Hamptonality. This term describes each hotel's approach to friendly guest service, anticipating guests' needs and providing travelers with suggestions about local attractions, historical facts, and fun things to do in each location. Additionally, the hotels are fused with photography and local art, highlighting in each property the connections and support to its own community.

Hampton Inn by Hilton Leon participates in Hilton HHonors®, the only loyalty program that allows members to earn points and miles for the same stay and redeem these points for free nights with no date restrictions at their hotels around the world.  HHonors members always get the lowest price with the Best Price Guarantee, along with HHonors points, free Wi-Fi, digital registration, and no booking fees as long as you book directly through Hilton. To celebrate the opening of Hampton Inn by Hilton Leon, the hotel is offering 1,000 HHonors points per night through January 31, 2016.


Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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