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SkyBuild becomes the standard option to speed up construction

Mexico. The recently expanded Otis SkyRise family of elevators is now available to builders and architects in Mexico. The Otis SkyRise elevator is designed for the world's tallest iconic buildings. It now includes the innovative SkyBuild construction elevator that allows builders to faster realize high-rise projects while reducing costs. Otis, a global leader in manufacturing and maintenance of products that move people including elevators, stairs and mobile platforms, is a business unit of United Technologies Corp. 

SkyRise is the latest generation of Otis solutions for high-rise projects, integrating modern technologies for speed control, safety, energy efficiency and delivering a superior passenger experience.

The Skybuild elevator joins the SkyRise family as a work-saving option. Installed at the beginning of the construction of a building, the SkyBuild elevator allows the movement of equipment and tools quickly and safely – without external elevator and without exposure to the weather. Its unique hydraulic piston system allows you to ascend floor by floor and advance at the same pace of construction. Once the building is finished, it quickly becomes a SkyRise elevator. SkyBuild offers convenience and agility and can reduce costs.

"Otis' SkyRise family of products combines a refined passenger experience with the most advanced elevator technology and support our customers can count on," said Bora Gulan, vice president of Global Major Projects and Key Accounts at Otis. "Our dedicated global major project teams, along with our R&D engineers, have deep knowledge and experience in materializing high-rise projects of important iconic buildings globally. With SkyBuild, Otis offers its customers even more value with an elevator system that allows it to grow at the same pace as construction — quickly and easily advancing one floor at a time to meet the requirements and pace of any project."

- Publicidad -

Elevadores OTIS S De RL De CV ("Otis Mexico"), the local operating unit of Otis, recently announced the new SkyRise family of elevators to its customers in Mexico.

"In a world where energy is increasingly expensive and land is scarce, cities need even taller buildings that require the most modern technology," said Eduardo Borges, CEO of Otis Mexico. "Given the high rates of urbanization, Mexico has developed large cities with buildings that show how Otis contributes to urban mobility with efficient, sustainable, safe and innovative products."

The first project in Mexico to feature SkyRise is the Torre Virreyes, located in Mexico City. Completed in 2015, this project is equipped with Otis elevators and stairs, including eight SkyRise elevators that will go up 28 floors at 5 meters per second.

SkyRise lifts can travel distances of up to 732 meters in one minute (12.2 meters per second) and have a capacity to transport from 900 to 5 thousand kilograms. The aerodynamically decked anti-noise cabin as well as the modern CompassPlus™ touch dispatch system that organizes passengers according to their destination, guarantee a smooth, quieter and faster travel experience than in elevators with conventional call system. Otis SkyRise elevators are also equipped with ReGenTM  Drive, which captures energy that would otherwise be lost in braking and accelerating and returns it to the building's power grid.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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