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Feature circuit breaker developed by Schneider Electric

International. Schneider Electric announced the launch of the Masterpact MTZ switch, the first 'Smartbreaker' on the market that combines the company's performance and reliability with new digital capabilities. Masterpact MTZ is the first Class 1 precision open frame circuit breaker for the measurement of energy and active power, certified by independent bodies in compliance with IEC 61557-12. Energy management is in accordance with the international standards ISO 50001 and IEC 60364-8.

Based on its strengths, Masterpact MTZ offers the same ratings, performance and dimensions for rapid integration and adaptation in frames with the current Masterpact range. The easy transition from Masterpact NT/NW to Masterpact MTZ means that no redesign of the switchboard or standard testing is necessary for certification to IEC 61439-2. In addition, the product offers easy integration into Smart Panels and connection to management systems via an integrated native Ethernet connection.

Masterpact MTZ protects equipment and activity against overloads, short circuits and insulation defects. It offers excellent service continuity demanded by low-voltage electrical distribution networks, even in the harshest environments. Masterpact MTZ also provides excellent mechanical and electrical performance, which exceeds standards and can withstand maximum levels of voltage fluctuations, electromagnetic interference, vibrations, shocks, corrosive and chemical atmospheres, as well as extreme temperatures.

Masterpact MTZ can be customized with digital modules anytime, anywhere. Various advanced features are available with digital modules for switch protection, measurement, and diagnosis and maintenance. Masterpact MTZ is scalable at any stage of its lifecycle, from design and configuration to commissioning (due to possible last-minute changes), as well as during in-service upgrades, without power interruptions or disconnections in protection.

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The solution allows a daily management of the installation with security and efficiency from the smartphone or tablet. The intelligent and interactive HMI reduces the security risk for local maintenance, as direct contact is not required for quick analysis and action via a secure Bluetooth connection. Real-time summary view, self-diagnosis, protection settings, consumption, power quality and phase balance are also available. In addition, for remote notifications, the Facility Hero digital maintenance log ensures continuity of service, periodic inspections, warnings and alarms.

In the event of a power outage, customers can minimize downtime and restore power quickly and safely through their smartphone. Key data is recorded before firing (measurements, protection settings), even without power, thanks to the NFC connection, which provides an analysis of the cause of the defect, a step-by-step reconnection of the circuit breaker and energy recovery instructions.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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