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Sensors and software are transcendental

Colombia. Competitiveness, a term that turns out to be the axis of any organization. Company or factory that cannot implement competitive processes in all its areas may lose customers and disappear in a matter of a couple of years. 

Schneider Electric has developed solutions that contribute to that evolution necessary to remain a strong 'player' in the market.

For several years we have been working on a 'revolution' to increase competitiveness, not only talking about products that are connected to a system, but also about solutions that interact with the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which results in the revolution of industry 4.0. Schneider Electric is helping organizations successfully develop this renovation.

In Colombia, one of the barriers to increasing competitiveness lies in the fact that many companies still do not understand the importance of making investments for the 'revolution' of industries and factories. This was explained by Víctor Rincón, Product Manager for the Andean Cluster of Schneider Electric: "The Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 require budgets that allow a transformation to be successfully achieved. Senior management must be alienated with the operational areas, but it is not something that is happening naturally, that must be modified in the short term, if not, there will be delays that are not convenient and will be an obstacle to converge to more efficient and automated industries. "

- Publicidad -

In this sense, one of the facilities offered by Schneider Electric is an investment in different cycles, with this companies can adapt little by little with products of the latest technology connected IoT and IIoT.  This is how EcoStruxure™ is the ideal platform for the development of the Internet of Things; within it there is a specialization for each of the segments. There is EcoStruxure™ Plant for production plants where complete advice is offered in the process.

Better decisions, more efficiency

Data and information are the most important assets – along with your collaborators – but analyzing them is not an easy task. You can have millions of Excel sheets or gigabytes, but they require tools that help examine them and detect patterns of behavior.  

"Automation software allows you to make the right decisions, quickly and when they are needed. Finally, it brings good results in the efficiency required by industries in their production, cost reduction and improvement of the productivity margin, so it cannot be thrown overboard, senior management must make the effort to carry out these processes, "said Rincón.

In the same way, it allows to create alerts depending on the ranges that are programmed to know details such as -for example- if there is a high energy consumption or if the production of the machines has decreased, everything can be identified without being physically in the place, giving the opportunity to make decisions remotely.

Rincón explained that this whole process is possible thanks to the sensors, which collect the information and will make it possible for the plants of the future to measure absolutely all the processes of the different areas, that is, it makes it possible to rigorously monitor the KPIs  of each of the parts of the plant. All that data is hosted in the cloud  and from there it can be analyzed from anywhere in the world.

"Sensors will be the first line to enter the revolution, where the most important asset is the information that comes from a machine or a factory. A point in their favor is that they have reduced their cost significantly, years ago to acquire them a very strong financial muscle was needed, "said Rincón.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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