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Boon Edam Launches Access Control Pedestal Mounting

Latin America. Royal Boon Edam International B.V. announced the launch of the Lifeline Boost access control pedestal mount, an attractive and comfortable accessory of the Speedlane Lifeline series of optical turnstiles. 

Sophisticated and secure
The Lifeline Boost responds to numerous requests received about the need for a well-designed, innovative and discreet pedestal to accommodate a long list of authorization technologies and complement the existing Lifeline Speedlane series. The Lifeline Boost has been designed with end-user comfort in mind; it is ergonomic, has a comfortable height and its classic conical V shape is synonymous with the Lifeline Speedlane series. And of course, it offers the same energy-saving features that Boon Edam customers already know.

Through modern and intuitive technology, the Lifeline Boost pedestal assembly guides each visitor to their destination without delay or inconvenience. As with the Lifeline Speedlane series, a selection of proven and intuitive light signals tell the visitor what to do next from the moment they reach the pedestal, during the authorization steps and until they leave the protected side. 

Flexible combinations that are easy to install
The latest Lifeline Boost access control pedestal mount is available in three models: 

  • 1. Premium Standard: Suitable for the integration of a card reader, barcode reader or biometric devices.
  • 2. Card Collector: Suitable for integrating an external card collector device.
  • 3. Nortech Card Collector: Manufactured/integrated with Nortech MRC350 Card Collector.
- Publicidad -

In addition to housing a wide variety of authorization technologies, the Boost pedestal is easily and quickly installed thanks to its closed and discreet electrical circuit that can accommodate electrical conductors and DHW on the surface of any finished floor. Its small size and sleek design complement the simple lines of the Lifeline Speedlane fast aisle with minimal visual impact. 

Superior user experience
When they present their credentials and walk through the fast aisle, users will find that Boost is intuitive and easy to use. Intuitive LED lights detect that the visitor is approaching and guide him clearly and easily, without hindering the flow of the passage. Direction indicator signs stand out perfectly against quality tempered black glass, and installation does not require cables to pass through the floor.

Daan van Beusekom, Product Manager at Royal Boon Edam International B.V., says: "We believe in creating comfortable and secure security access solutions, and we noticed that there was a need to develop a pedestal to enable more integration possibilities for the Lifeline Speedlane series. The new Lifeline Boost fulfills this mission – it's simple and compact – with the same ergonomic and sleek features of the Lifeline Speedlane series, and can accommodate virtually any authorization technology available. We are proud to add this smart, compact accessory into the family."

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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