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Six guidelines to improve your health and productivity in the office

Mexico. We are now more aware of how much our body suffers from spending hours sitting in front of a desk. Many people have already tried to optimize the workspace and surely have followed several ergonomic tips, however, many of those who have heard can be excessive and contradictory, so Humanscale, leader in ergonomic solutions that improve health and comfort at work, summarizes the most elementary adjustments you can make in your environment to have improvements in your health in the medium term and be more productive.

1.-The way of sitting is fundamental: People who use a desktop or laptop tend to hump in front of the computer. Normally this recline is to be able to see the screen better, however, these habits can cause long-term havoc on the body. To prevent them, professional ergonomician Karen Jacobs, a professor of occupational therapy at Boston University, points out that the key to a good chair is that it adapts to the body. That is why it is very important to have a chair with a low back, the lower back is the one that supports the most stress when we are sitting, before this, Humanscale recommends using chairs with adjustable lumbar support.

2.-They must be adjusted to the height of each worker: To avoid ailments in knees and legs, it is necessary to ensure that the chair fits the size of each person. The knees should be 90 degrees from the ground, and if they are a little higher it is advisable to place the feet on a rocking chair-style footrest to keep the blood flowing. Additionally, if your desk does not allow you to keep your elbows between 90 and 100 degrees, it is important to have a keyboard tray that is under your desk.

3.-The chairs should be rotating: When you are writing and you are moving to read a document on the table or on a tablet stand, Humanscale recommends moving your entire body and avoid twisting it sharply, in this way you can prevent unnecessary dislocation.

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4.-Recline is essential: A slightly reclined position is really good for your body, this allows the back muscles to relax. Implement an office chair that allows you to move the seat and backrest back, especially if you are working from a laptop, as the body always tends to lean forward.

Laptops were really designed for transient work, not everyday work. It is therefore recommended to use an external base, keyboard and mouse to promote a healthy posture.

5.-Ergonomic keyboards are not always the best: Most of the time you spend on your computer clicking and typing, requires some tension in the wrist bringing as a long-term consequence carpal tunnel syndrome. This tension is often tried to counteract with "ergonomic keyboards" however, these can exacerbate the problem.

Humanscale recommends avoiding split keyboards, as these force your elbows to stay away from your body, which is the opposite of what you should do, i.e. your arms and elbows should remain close to your sides. The same goes for keyboards that include the separate numeric part, as they require you to place the mouse farther to the right, again, away from your body. If you don't need the numeric keypad, look for a smaller keyboard in favor of more mouse space. If you live and die by the numeric keypad, there are others that you can take out only when you need it, or keep it to the left so that they do not interfere with the mouse.

Wrist rests are also often counterproductive because they increase the tendency to exert extra pressure on your wrist, which can cause some problems over time. It is best that the arms float on the keyboard, keeping the wrists straight.

6.-Take frequent breaks: If your office does not have the right tools for sitting and standing work, Humanscale invites you to take frequent breaks.

It can be a short pause, perhaps for two minutes every 20 to 30 minutes. Get up from your seat, walk, hydrate and then return to your workplace, this is not only important for your lower back, but also for your eyes, neck and shoulders.

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Sometimes it can be difficult to stand up, many times the concentration on our tasks leads us to be sitting for up to 4 hours in a row, however, you can implement some type of external reminder, telephone alarm or application of your cell phone.

Finally, regardless of the ergonomic measurements you take, remember to get up and move regularly, vary your posture often, if you do not feel comfortable, get up and walk, this will help stretch your limbs and equally give a break to your thoughts making you more productive and efficient at the end of the day.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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