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SoftGuard, a platform oriented to the residential segment

Latin America. Its main product is the SoftGuard system, a comprehensive alarm monitoring platform that has application in Countries and Closed Neighborhoods. The SoftGuard system receives and manages alarms from fixed targets (residences, administrative offices, sports centers, service units, etc.) and mobile targets (cars, motorcycles, quadricycles, private surveillance patrol mobile, smartphones, etc.).

SoftGuard is installed in a control center that operates 24 hours from where it interacts with different equipment and electronic devices, allows the attention of alarm events (theft, panic, medical emergency, access control of people, video verification, among others) for validation and subsequent referral to the competent authorities (Police, Private Security services, Firefighters, medical services, maintenance services, etc.).
Our system can be implemented locally in the neighborhood or operated from the Cloud. 
Houses: Activations and deactivations of the alarm panel for the control of entry and exit of people in each house. An operation test is also carried out every 24 hours.
Energized fence: Administration of the electric fences for the reception of events and visualization in map of the status of each segment: activated, deactivated, in alarm, lack of power, state of the open or closed board.
Cameras in common spaces: Possibility of video verification in the events sent from any common space of the country, either: sports courts, surveillance checkpoint, gym, etc.
Safety and maintenance vehicle: Tracking and monitoring of all safety and maintenance vehicles, in this way they can assign them to a fixed or mobile point.
Families: Protected with SmartPanics:

  • • Sending alerts from the smartphone (SOS, Fire and Assistance)
  • • Virtual guard with the "On the Way" function, countdown activation during a
  • route and automatic noti_cación to the control center in case of emergency
  • • Current position of your family group with the "I'm Here" button
  • • Access to the cameras of your residence to know what is happening in your home
  • • Remote device actuation using remote commands such as turning devices on or off
  • • Control of the family group through the "My Group" function, visualization of the position
  • current, creation of inclusion/exclusion geofences, alarm history, etc.
  • • Virtual keypad with 12 commands to report incidents
  • Guards: Full control of guards with VigiControl
  • • Allows guards to send panic events to the monitoring center with position, image, audio, notes and video data
  • • Guard presence control with the "Living Man" button programmed to send a notification from time to time to the guards, who must press the cancellation of the alarm as confirmation that they are fine.
  • • Marking of arrival or departure for the fulfillment of rounds
  • • Online assignment of location that requires the presence of a watchman.


  • Sending push notifications to neighbors to report any
  • situation whether administrative, security, social, sports, public services, regulation, etc.
  • Empowering neighbors by actively participating with their own safety and security
  • Full audit of all monitoring tasks with management reports for managers
  • Customization of the background and logo of the APP and the SoftGuard Suite
  • Easy and fast incident reporting with multiple control and management functions
  • Optimization of the management of the warnings and alerts received according to the corresponding area
  • Escalation of alarm events not attended by operators to the security manager
  • Direct communication route of the neighbors to notify any irregularity to the responsible areas:

Security Area: Perimeter violated, riots, suspicious activity

- Publicidad -

Maintenance Area: Damaged luminaire, fallen tree, accumulated garbage, etc.

Administration Area: Payment of expenses, administrative procedures, consultations in general

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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