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Quick Guide to Understanding Connected Buildings

Latin America. The ability to connect building systems and equipment over the Internet has been around for years thanks to advancing technology and better equipment design. This capability has led to a trend in connected or smart buildings where connected devices (e.g., lighting, security systems, and HVAC equipment) produce data that can be captured and applied to significantly increase efficiency and save money.

It is estimated that by 2020 there will be 20.8 billion connected devices worldwide, and according to Gartner, a large percentage is related to smart buildings; as the trend marks the way to smart cities, where technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence are gaining strength every day in all industries.

Building owners and managers who benefit most from this trend are not considering the implementation of this technology as a unique project, but as a starting point for continuous improvement. Before they begin, they are defining and classifying specific goals, such as energy savings, building performance, and occupant comfort, and then partnering with experts to design an action plan. These steps are essential to the ultimate success of a connected building because data collection may not produce particularly smart or useful results.

"Further optimizing the spaces of each building through self-adaptation of intelligent technology, providing remote access and adjusting conditions when required, is one of the advantages of connected buildings," says Jaime Jiménez, CEO of Trane, adding: "At Trane we are working on Connected Building solutions to go beyond data, and these, in turn, transform your building into an asset."

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Trane – an expert in creating and maintaining comfortable spaces and 100% committed to energy efficiency – knows the importance of connected buildings, since having the right people and the right technology can analyze and transform data into valuable information, making buildings more efficient and sustainable. That is why today he shares a quick guide to understanding connected buildings:

• Results-driven buildings: To be truly useful after installing connected equipment or technology, the ability to get data from many types of devices and systems must be followed by the promise to help you or your customers use that information to make a positive impact. The information provided by a connected building is used to identify areas of continuous improvement and focus on where operational changes will have the greatest impact, whether on occupant comfort, efficiency or productivity.

• Easy access: A connected building not only provides data for better decision making, but also allows you to access that data remotely. By triggering the ability to see how often equipment is running, when a building is occupied, and how quickly set points are met, all without having to be on site; it can be more efficient and make better decisions. Remote access to system controls via dashboards and mobile interfaces allows you to:

  • Have reliable information in real time
  • View data from multiple buildings at once
  • Eliminate the 24/7 on-site staffing requirement

• Where to start: By starting with connected buildings and equipment, every step of the process can be made easier if you have an expert to help assess challenges as well as needs, planning and execution. Together with the help of an expert, these best practices can help you maximize the value of a connected building:

1. Identify goals and challenges
An important first step is to evaluate your building and identify current challenges. Seeing where you can improve your building will help set goals for connected teams and identify how the data you provide can help your operation. Projects can then be prioritized for improvement. Tactics, including the data they need, how to get it, and which databases need to be combined to get it, will be clarified once the building blocks have been established. For example, accessing interval data can be very useful in determining where inefficiencies exist in a facility.

2. Overview
When planning a new piece of equipment, it's easy to take an isolated approach, implementing and evaluating each piece individually. However, this type of reduced view can hinder your ability to execute on a connected building plan. It's best to have a broader view of your building and your equipment, so that coherent and complementary decisions can be made to improve building performance. This also applies to seeking expert help, one that reflects a comprehensive view so you can help you determine the best team that will work together to meet your needs.

3. Evaluate all solution options
Equipment solutions, ranging from adaptation to new equipment, include technology that analyzes data once implemented. Determine in advance the technologies and systems that will not only have the most immediate impact on occupant comfort and return on investment, but also those that will scale for future needs.

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Once you've gone through this process and implemented the solutions that best fit your building, these solutions should continue to deliver benefits. Your system must be continuously monitored, analyzed and optimized for energy efficiency.

Today's buildings are full of hidden potential. They have energy running through their veins: heating, cooling, fire alarms, safety sensors; this energy produces data, and those are like a language waiting to be translated. Once it is deciphered, it is full of valuable information and knowledge. When you understand what your building is saying (understand your messages and go beyond data), you'll be able to transform your building into a stronger asset that can positively impact your goals.

"At Trane, we go beyond HVAC systems, beyond automation and energy management solutions, beyond local engineering expertise. We go beyond basic knowledge to understand how buildings can best function to help businesses succeed," concludes Jaime Jiménez.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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