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The Modern Workplace: A Balance Between Productivity and Well-Being

Latin America. All organizations seek to increase the productivity of their employees through training plans and even wellness programs that include yoga classes and eating schemes, to name a few. These factors certainly help people's development and improve their level of satisfaction. "However, the personal workspace is one of the most ignored elements that directly affects job performance," says Alberto Elizondo, Managing Director, Latin America & Caribbean at Humanscale.

According to a study sponsored by real estate company CoreNet Global, the spatial dynamics of offices have changed dramatically in recent years. The modern office must serve more and more people per square meter. While this adjustment was largely due to the increasing ubiquity of mobile devices, more recently the main driver of change seems to be the gradual disappearance of personal workstations, in favor of a more shared space.

"We typically don't pay attention to the design of personal workspaces, resulting in discomfort for employees, lack of motivation and poor performance," Elizondo says. The World Health Organization has pointed out that unsatisfactory work environments have a negative impact on the health of employees. In 2016, Australia's Centre for International Economics recorded losses of more than $34 billion a year due to sick leave, while presenteeism (attendance at work with health problems) cost $7 billion.

Jonathan Puleio, Vice President of Consulting at Humanscale, notes that "unfortunately, managers often don't consider ergonomics to be part of a business strategy or a means to achieve business goals. For many, the field of ergonomics is associated with costly injuries, specialized equipment, and legal expenses."

- Publicidad -

The modern work environment is stimulating and inspiring when it creates spaces that encourage mobility and provide opportunities for employees to choose comfortable postures. It is even possible that this sense of well-being is reflected positively in people's interaction, decreasing negative feelings and expressions of anger.

Some factors that must be considered to improve productivity in companies, without losing sight of the well-being of employees, are the following:

  • Lighting and color
  • Air quality
  • Wall and door materials
  • Ergonomic furniture, that is, that adapts to the worker
  • Energy efficiency

Employees who see their company taking an active and positive position regarding the health, safety and well-being of employees are more likely to report higher levels of job satisfaction and demonstrate higher levels of engagement.

This in turn can be reflected in productivity, so the design of work spaces, far from being an expense, is an investment. "While in recent years emphasis has been placed on the incorporation of new technologies and sustainability, the human side in offices has been forgotten. But by achieving a balance in aspects such as individual privacy, the comfort of furniture and the practical use of spaces, we will be able to make the most of the potential of employees", concludes the director of Humanscale.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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