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Sodexo, among the companies that most promote gender equality

Latin America. Sodexo has been one of the 230 companies included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index 2019 (GHG), which distinguishes the companies most committed to transparency and advances in gender equality.

The Bloomberg Gender Equality Index 2019 (GEI) is one of the most relevant indices on gender equality issues worldwide, which selects the companies most committed to transparency in gender information and the promotion of women's equality. In this sense, it bases its score on standardized reports and a questionnaire to which the participating companies respond based on four focuses: data and metrics of the company, labor policies, commitment to society and offer of products and services.

As for its results this 2019, the index has doubled the number of companies included, being the total of 230, from 10 different sectors and based in 36 countries. These include Sodexo, for whom gender equality is a "strategic imperative", as shown by its data on female representation in the company, where 37% of women are part of the executive committee and 54% of the board of directors.

In this sense, in addition to conducting an extensive internal study on gender balance and powerful gender policies, Sodexo shows its commitment to equality as the core of its strategy and activity. In fact, the company's goal is that, by 2025, women will account for at least 40% of senior management positions. To ensure that all senior managers, both men and women, understand the value Sodexo places on that goal, 10% of their annual bonus will depend on their progress in this parameter.

- Publicidad -

"Our global gender balance strategy is a key factor in ensuring that both women and men have equal access to professional development and opportunities in the workplace," said Rohini Anand, Senior Vice President of Corporate Responsibility and Global Head of Diversity at Sodexo.

"Achieving gender equality is one of our driving goals and is critical to achieving a better tomorrow for our employees, our customers and consumers and the communities we serve. Under the leadership of our SoTogether advisory board, gender equality will help us attract talent, better understand consumers and empower women."

"We applaud Sodexo and the other 229 firms identified in the GHG Index for their actions to measure gender equality through the Bloomberg GEI framework," said Peter T. Grauer, president and founder of the American association 30% Club. "Sodexo's addition to the GHG is a strong indicator for its employees, investors and industry colleagues, while also serving as an example for moving towards a truly inclusive work environment."

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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