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Recommendations for identifying when to change the air conditioning in a building

International. In Latin America there are buildings that have survived the passage of time and that are preserved and are part of the culture of a city, however, many of these still have technologies such as air conditioning that have many years of operation.

As buildings age, so do their air conditioning and heating equipment, which typically lasts 15 to 20 years. When time passes, the equipment can approach the end of its useful life or become obsolete, which can represent a crossroads and a decision must be made: recondition it or replace it.

Before making the decision, you need to consider what the specific needs of the building are and take the most suitable route for its installation. Currently air conditioning and heating equipment is being modernized while offering more benefits according to the environment where it is used.

Trane, an expert in energy solutions and air conditioning and heating systems, shares 4 questions to consider before making the decision to replace or refurbish your building's HVAC system:

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1. What is the ROI of upgrade versus replacement?
The return on investment (ROI) of an equipment upgrade or replacement can have a big impact on your decision. This will help to discover possible losses and gains of money with any of the decisions. To start measuring ROI, you'll need to calculate your total cost of ownership, as it's important to consider installation and operating costs as well as service requirements when weighing your options.

Electricity costs, for example; If your equipment consumes a lot of electrical energy during its useful life, you should think about making an upgrade of the equipment to reduce energy consumption. If an upgrade doesn't result in electric power cost savings, then consider replacing.

2. Where is the equipment located in the building?
Equipment located in hard-to-reach or regulated locations, such as a utility room, basement, or a highly electrical, sound-sensitive location, can present extreme barriers. If your equipment can be easily accessed inside or outside the building, it can be removed and replaced by new equipment without additional installation requirements.

"Nowadays the updates in the air conditioning and heating equipment have a better design that allows them to be placed in more accessible places in the buildings, which allows, if necessary, the changes or replacements in a more agile way," says Jaime Jiménez, General Director of Trane.

3. What is the estimated service life of your equipment?
Over time, old equipment will not be able to keep pace with the advancement of technology and infrastructure. But knowing where your equipment is in its lifespan can help determine a path forward. For example, if your computer is too outdated, you might not be eligible for an upgrade.

If the equipment can still do its job, leave it running until you decide to change it, so you can access replacement equipment that is the best option for your building.

On the other hand, if your computer is young enough to have an upgrade, the lifespan of the equipment could be extended and improve performance. With this in mind, consider the average lifespan of your equipment and have your HVAC partner guide you through upgrade options to help you make the best decision for your upgrade needs.

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4. What are its connectivity capabilities?
Your building is full of data, data that could impact your business decisions. When analyzed, the data can give you valuable insights into your building and the equipment inside. To start collecting this information, you'll need to connect your building, which means everything will work together to provide a comfortable and efficient environment. But connectivity capabilities might not be possible with outdated equipment.

For the equipment to be pluggable, you will need smart technology and equipment controls. If an upgrade with your current computer is not possible, a replacement would allow you to install these features. The right HVAC partner can offer applications that connect HVAC with other building systems (lighting, security, and water) for new or old equipment and the ability to actively analyze data.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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