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Corferias fairgrounds will restart activities in November

CorferiasColombia. After making available the facilities of Corferias in support of the expansion of hospital capacity to face the emergency generated by the pandemic, Corferias officially receives the facilities of the fairgrounds by the Integrated Subnetwork of Health Services Centro Oriente E.S.E to give official closure to the operation of the Temporary Transitional Hospital.

This hospital was active for 5 months without any cost of renting areas and met the objective of contributing to the care and well-being of Colombians by expanding the country's hospital capacity and serving patients with different complexities.

Regarding this, the executive president of the International Business and Exhibition Center of Bogotá, Andrés López Valderrama, said, "we want to highlight the contribution of the entity through which we made available the fairgrounds as part of the contingency strategy that the city developed to have an adequate hospital to attend the health emergency, under the public health circumstances that the country is going through."

He added: "Today we feel absolutely satisfied and proud to have fulfilled the country and the city with this contribution, and from now on we are preparing to receive our guests again, applying all the biosecurity and distancing protocols in accordance with the provisions of the National and District Government and health entities to reopen the doors safely."

- Publicidad -

Corferias as a leading actor in the strategy of economic reactivation of the city and the country expects to start activities in November for which it ensures compliance with the biosecurity protocols for the fairgrounds, defined by the National Government and the corresponding health entities. These protocols are arranged under four transversal axes: maintaining physical distancing; capacity control; cleaning and disinfection of the different areas of the enclosure and the permanent use of personal protection elements.

Corferias will guarantee in its process of reactivation of the fair activity, once the authorities allow it, the control of capacity of the enclosure during the three stages of stay of the visitors, supported by the use of technology, with more than 360 cameras destined to measure in real time the capacity of the enclosure, accompanied by automatic systems and the follow-up with trained personnel to respond permanently to each event.

It is important to note that Corferias recently received certification from Bureau Veritas with the 'Safe Guard' seal, which validates the preventive measures provided in the enclosure, associated with the protection of health, to ensure the appropriate biosecurity guidelines to resume the fair activity, backed by state-of-the-art technology. "This international seal is very important for Corferias because it recognizes and guarantees that the fairground satisfactorily complies with all regulations, in terms of compliance with biosecurity protocols, and in this way we can offer our public the confidence and tranquility of living safe and unparalleled business experiences," said Andrés López Valderrama.

Additionally, the International Business Center has the biosecurity seal "Check in certified" by the National Accreditation Body in Colombia – UNAC, which involves the requirements and requirements set forth in resolution 0576 that is part of the initiative developed by mincit for the entire chain of industry and tourism in the country and resolution 666 of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, that dictates the general protocol of biosecurity, for the management and control of the virus for fairs and business meetings.

In this way, Corferias is ready to offer the country face-to-face business meetings with biosafe protocols to support the economic dynamics of entrepreneurs "we have worked tirelessly to certify our Biosafety protocols with international and national organizations with the highest standards of analysis, inspection and certification, to offer companies in the city and the country a strengthened and safe economic reactivation agenda, with all the biosecurity protocols provided by these entities to continue contributing to the economic reactivation of the country," concluded the president of Corferias, Andrés López Valderrama.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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