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Here are some of the main innovations of 2020

Innovaciones 2020 HoneywellInternational. A remarkable number of new technologies were created or massified throughout the past year 2020 in response to the arrival and rapid spread of Covid.

Honeywell listed the top innovations of 2020 to help short-term industries fight the pandemic and prepare for the future.

Here are the main innovations of the year:

UV-C light is used in new ways
What it is: Honeywell's UV treatment system uses UV-C light inside aircraft cabins to treat high-touch surfaces such as trays, seats, aisles and luggage compartments.

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Why it's innovative: UV-C light as a disinfectant in itself is not a new concept. It has been used for about four decades to disinfect drinking water, wastewater and more, according to the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA). But applying the treatment to the cockpit of an airplane is very important. The system can run the length of a narrow-body aircraft in 10 minutes or less.

Visibility of what's in the air
What it is: Particles in the air are no longer invisible. With Air Detective, they use technology to analyze an air sample and record it with holographic images. Those images are then sent to the cloud for an on-site analysis of the types of spores, pollen and other particles in the air.

Why it's innovative: A powerful AI-powered holographic microscope allows heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technicians to take a snapshot of the air inside their home. There is no need to wait for a sample to be sent to a laboratory.

Quantum computing becomes a reality
What: This year, they launched the Honeywell System Model H1 quantum computer with a quantum volume of 128. The computer is now commercially available to companies looking to leverage quantum computing as part of their technology roadmap.

Why it's innovative: A focus on reducing errors and producing the highest quality quantum operations builds confidence that quantum computers can deliver accurate and reliable results to problems that can currently be confirmed by classical methods. As these problems grow beyond what classical computers can handle, confidence in the accuracy of the underlying technology becomes paramount.

Buildings that protect people
What it is: As the pandemic spread around the world, offices were left empty. But some buildings had to be kept in operation, including manufacturing facilities and hospitals. We use technology that analyzes air quality, safety and security for building owners to minimize potential pollution risks. That includes monitoring both the building environment and the behavior of the building's occupants.

Why it's innovative: Technology helps assure occupants that buildings are safer to return to. Our Healthy Buildings solutions can meet the needs of any building and feature specific solutions for premium commercial buildings, airports, hospitality, healthcare, stadiums, schools and universities.

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Operating remotely
What it is: From fire alarm systems to industrial facilities, the brand helps turn to remote operations. For example, Honeywell's connected life safety systems allow fire technicians to operate a building's fire station with the cloud. Meanwhile, our Honeywell Process Solutions transitioned a critical process control facility in Orange, Texas to remote operations.

Why it's innovative: Many facility maintenance teams are working with reduced staff and have limited access to facilities due to closures. With remote operations, there may be fewer staff on site and critical tasks can still be performed.

Machine Learning Cyber Protection
What it is: As soon as a hacker attempts malicious behavior in an industrial environment, the machine learning-based application knows about it.

Why it's innovative: Identifying security issues in industrial control systems and industrial Internet of Things technology is becoming increasingly important. Communications anomalies can indicate hardware issues, anomalies, security and configuration issues, and even cyberattacks.

3D printed engine parts
What it is: The brand created the first certified critical flight engine part using 3D printing, formally known as additive manufacturing.

Why it's innovative: By 3D printing critical parts, manufacturers can produce parts faster and in smaller quantities. During this process, the components are constructed from the bottom up, with layers of powdered metal fused on top of each other by a laser.

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Collision avoidance for drones
What it is: A lightweight radar, the IntuVue RDR-84K radar system, can help detect other air traffic, birds and weather.

Why it's innovative: In addition to detecting obstacles, it can provide alternative navigation if the main guide fails and help with automated and accurate landings. It saves weight and space by replacing other sensors, which is key for urban air mobility (UAM) vehicles such as air taxis and unmanned aerial vehicles such as drones.

Millions of masks
What it is: To combat COVID-19, healthcare workers needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to help treat patients. In response, Honeywell transformed existing facilities around the world to manufacture N-95 masks to meet the demand of frontline workers.

Why it's innovative: Creating the setup to make masks usually takes about nine months. But as COVID-19 spread, the process had to move forward quickly. As a result, the new configuration at its Rhode Island facility was completed in just five weeks and the N-95 masks rolled off the production line in April.

Infrared images at screen temperatures
What it is: Thermal cameras have been used to detect gas leaks in the oil and gas industry for years. But the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to use technology in a new way. The Honeywell ThermoRebellion uses infrared imaging technology and artificial intelligence algorithms to deliver high-precision temperature measurements. When people pass in front of the high-resolution thermal imaging camera, the skin temperature is detected in seconds.

Why it's innovative: Airports, factories, businesses, schools, and event venues can use this temperature control solution to perform real-time, non-invasive screening of people passing through a designated entry point. It is already in use at JFK Airport.

Source: Honeywell.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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