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Job security also makes home office

Home officeLatin America. Data reveal that the number of domestic accidents is 15 times higher compared to accidents within a company, which, consequently, makes remote work alarming.

We all know that 2020 was a completely different year, as we experienced drastic changes in our lives, with no exceptions.

Many of us never thought that, overnight, we would completely change our routine, including activities as common as leaving home to go to work, taking the children to school, shopping at the supermarket, using public transport. Our day to day changed radically!

The main problem we had – and that to a large extent still worries us – is the possibility of contagion of the coronavirus. For that reason, our best alternative was – and continues to be – staying at home, telecommuting, home office, remote work or whatever you want to call it.

- Publicidad -

However, without perceiving it, this measure put us in front of the second big problem and, perhaps, you wonder what problem? if I am at home, what can happen to me?

We are in our home, that place so ours, so intimate, so "safe", where we feel that we are in control of absolutely everything. However, our house is full of potential dangers, which often go unnoticed.

Who never changed a light bulb, spotlight, lamp, bulb or whatever you call it, without disconnecting the power of the house, used a chair instead of a ladder to reach something in a high place or took a risk in the kitchen out of necessity, without knowing how to cook? In daily activities the risks exist and are innumerable: cutting, falling, burning, slipping, being in contact with toxic substances, among others.

Over the years we have learned about rules, procedures and protocols that protect us in our jobs, but there is very little we learn about human behavior, about our habits and how to improve them, I am talking about tools that would help us significantly in scenarios like this, which we face today, when we are working from home, without all the security structure that we normally have within the company for which we work.

The traditional model of security that has served us so well must evolve to protect workers and their families in domestic situations. After all, many companies around the world have decided to keep some of their staff in remote work, which implies, necessarily, a paradigm shift.

How do I make sure the person who is working from home is safe?
At home, where we are practically alone in terms of safety, is where unfortunately we do not have procedures, protocols, rules or even a preventionist to alert us to the dangers.

"The first step I suggest is: change your safety habits. We know it's not an easy task, but it's up to you alone to do it, a daily decision to ensure your safety and the people around you. Small changes will help you achieve great success."

- Publicidad -

Take a few minutes and think about what could be improved in terms of home security.

Here are some examples that serve as inspiration:

  • Disconnect the power if you are going to perform any small repairs and use the right tools for each situation;
  • Check if cleaning products are stored correctly, with their respective labels, out of the reach of children or pets;
  • If you work at home, make sure you have an appropriate chair and table. Take regular breaks, do not neglect your hydration and feeding;
  • Creating a routine is paramount! Excessive work causes unnecessary fatigue, which also contributes to accidents;
  • In times of pandemic, habits such as sanitizing your hands regularly, wearing a mask, mouth covering or face shield are essential;
  • Teach these habits to your children and peers, they are simple things that do not require a financial investment, only time.
  • And last but not least, do not forget: we are going through a difficult period with many novelties. The difficulty you are going through, as far as your work in the home office model is concerned, is not an exclusivity of yours. Therefore, keep the dialogue open with your colleagues and with your family so that your routine develops as lightly as possible.

Take advantage of that time to learn, develop safer habits and enjoy the company of your relatives during your professional activities.

* Author: David Núñez Peña, SafeStart International Territory Manager South Region.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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