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Results of the Global Survey on Hybrid Work

Resultados de la encuesta mundial sobre trabajo híbrido

International According to the study that Adecco conducted in 25 countries (Mexico, USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, China, Japan, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Nordic Countries, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Australia, Turkey, etc.), surveying almost 15,000 people, the results show that at the end of the pandemic many still want to work remotely, but not all. These are the results.

Of the Mexican respondents, those who are currently working remotely from their homes, mainly professionals who worked in corporate offices, 54% said that at the end of the pandemic they want to maintain a hybrid work format, that is, to divide their time between home and office. In fact, 78% also said that they already have a space at home to work comfortably and effectively, so it shows that, for many employees, as has been the case for more than a year, working from home is possible.

Overall, workers want to maintain a hybrid work model, according to which more than half of the time would work remotely (53%) and the rest of the time in the office (47%). Employees have embraced this new work life by adapting their living space to work. Globally, 71% of people have created effective remote work environments for themselves in their homes.

By country there are also marked differences when choosing remote work and office work. These are the percentages of those who prefer to work remotely. From May to lower, Japan 64%, United Kingdom 63%, Canada 62%, Spain 59%, Nordic Countries 54%, Germany 54%, Mexico 54%, USA 54%, Italy 52%, Bél/Hol 52%, France 50%, Switzerland 49%, Australia 47% and very strikingly China only 23% prefer to work remotely.

- Publicidad -

Younger generations want to spend more time in the office. Gen Z workers, for example, want to spend 56% of their working time in the office. Usually, the younger the respondent, the more likely they are to tend to want to spend time in the office. This suggests that they need the onboarding structure and have experts around them who can help them in person, while senior workers already have enough experience and knowledge to work autonomously.

Percentage of time each generation wants to be in the office:
• 56% Generation Z
• 48% Millennials
• 46% Generation X
• 44% Boomers

The lower the age range, the longer they prefer to be in the office, while our elders, on the contrary, choose to spend more time in the comfort of their homes.

Another interesting factor to consider is whether respondents are parents or not. It also influences to some extent your preference for office work time versus work time at home. Overall, employees who have children want to spend more time in the office (51%), while those who don't have children (42%) prefer to be at home more. This suggests that those who have children prefer to differentiate work and family life.

In short, hybrid work is to the taste of many, but there are obvious differences by country, by generation and according to whether the workers are parents or not. The hybrid work model is here to stay and it is the companies together with the workers that must choose the format that best suits both the needs of both parties.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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