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Guidelines for Improving the Digital Employee Experience in a Hybrid Workplace


Latin America. A study on how to improve the employee experience to work from anywhere revealed that the digital employee experience (DEX) is an essential resource that companies currently use to enable the hybrid workforce and highlighted that to deliver a superior employee experience, four integral components are required: delivery of the experience, measurement of experience, analysis and correction.

The study, conducted by VMware Inc., is called: "Optimize the digital experience so that employees can work from anywhere."

Accelerating investment in DEX and its adoption became a fundamental requirement for companies to overcome the challenges of the hybrid workplace. According to the study, for 75% of respondents, DEX has a high or absolute priority since the beginning of the pandemic. When asked about the top business priorities that generate the need to improve DEX, 80% of respondents indicated the goal of increasing employee productivity. 75% expect a DEX solution to improve the overall employee experience and increase retention rates.

"In a hybrid workplace, organizations prioritize the digital employee experience as a critical investment. The digital employee experience enables employees and IT teams to make a positive impact and work at their best," said Shankar Iyer, Senior Vice President and General Manager, End User Computing, VMware. "A seamless digital experience offers differentiation from the competition among companies looking to hire and retain top talent."

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DEX Warranty, Anywhere
Investments in DEX solutions continue to grow as companies strive to improve employee satisfaction. While only 25% of respondents said they have a comprehensive DEX solution in place, the majority (nearly 60%) plan to implement one in the next 24 months. In addition, 84% reported that the budget for DEX solutions will increase to 11-25% of their overall IT budget over the next three years, underscoring the importance of finding a comprehensive solution that meets the needs of all employees.

Currently, two-thirds of respondents use three or more providers to support their transition to DEX. Using multiple vendors can intensify the challenges of DEX integration by hampering root cause analyses and compounding difficulties in assessing DEX's return on investment. Therefore, it is necessary to take a holistic approach to the improvement of DEX. Two-thirds of respondents prioritize end-to-end DEX solutions that can deliver satisfactory delivery, monitoring, analysis, and remediation capabilities. It's important to integrate a DEX solution that encompasses all of these components to create a seamless employee experience.

With VMware Anywhere Workspace, IT can provide a great employee experience by making it easy to deliver, measure, analyze, and remediate experience issues through the following features:

- Unified workspace with single sign-on: comprehensive service so that employees can access all their applications without having to remember passwords and useful resources, communications and workflows that allow them to take action quickly in each business process.

- Experience measurement: comprehensive view of the employees' digital experience score that takes into account users' interactions with the workspace (mobile or desktop devices, applications, operating systems, networks, etc.), as well as employee perception, and that is customized based on the needs of the organization.

Proactive analytics: Observing the employee experience through dashboards and valuable information, including using machine learning models to detect anomalies and proactively bring to light critical factors that harm the experience. Root cause analysis guided with contextual dashboards, navigation path visualization, and administrator collaboration to quickly identify the root cause of a problem.

- Quick fix: self-service for employees with access to frequently asked questions and corporate resources. IT can proactively remediate issues before they impact employee productivity with Digital Employee Experience Management (DEEM) or start a remote screen sharing session when it is necessary to interact with IT.

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- Support for bring your own (BYO) and corporate devices on a single platform: provides consistent experiences on mobile and desktop devices, regardless of the management status of the device.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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