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New strategies in the management of shopping centers

Centros comerciales

Latin America. Shopping centers are spaces that must propose new strategies to continue making the space attractive and thus maintain the interest of customers in visiting them.

Newmark's associate director, David Behar, highlighted the trends that shopping centers must apply to attract and capture the attention of the public, becoming spaces that go beyond shopping:

Business Diversity
One of the important points to take into consideration is the diversity of businesses, check that each one is strategic and according to the trends that
demands the market, some of the businesses that respond to this are:

• Medical Centers, Specialized Medical Offices, and dental offices taking into account that after the COVID-19 health crisis there is more concern for health in general.
• Gyms, as part of the same trend of concern for health, people have increased their physical activity.
• Veterinarians, the new target considers their pets part of their family and ensures their health.
• Vehicle services, such as modern lubrication centers and tire changes.
• Car agencies, motorcycles with an electric type orientation.
• Bike center and specialized sports centers.
• Swimming lesson centers for children.
• Entertainment areas for teenagers, such as: Jump Center, Adventure X, modern arcade, virtual reality.
• Gastronomic markets, highly in trend.
• Innovation in film areas.

The reality is that people currently have a need for hyperconnectivity, so it is essential that shopping centers offer free internet in certain common areas and the incorporation of spaces where mobile devices can be charged. In addition, maintain an active relationship outside the facilities promoting events, news, valuable information on social networks.

At the moment there is a trend, with built areas under LEED certification (evaluates building or space projects, following a process of assigning scores according to performance for various credits); In addition to this, incorporating green areas within the shopping centers, such as: specific biophilia, micro lungs within the projects and installation of low consumption LED lighting, rainwater recycling with toilets and urinals that use zero water use systems.

Pet friendly
Animals such as dogs, cats or rabbits that are the most seen in homes, are now considered as family members, so people look for them to be part of their activities outside the home to share more quality time.
It is necessary to specify the rules inside the shopping centers for those who visit them with their pets, and add special spaces such as exclusive parks for these, where they can have their own entertainment, including eco bathrooms.

Interior decoration
They must maintain well-lit, well-ventilated spaces, with more modern colors and pleasing to the eye; with rest areas (urban furniture / LED screens / puffs or sofa areas).

Parking Considerations
They must always have ample indoor parking for easy accessibility. In addition, offer multiple charging areas for electric cars, bike bikes or electric scooters.

- Publicidad -

The new trend that defines shopping centers is that they are less store-oriented; and much more to become centers of experience promoting recreation, placing services and gastronomy within reach, all under one roof in order to motivate customers to leave their homes enjoying several hours or part of a full day in the facilities.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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