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Top executives gathered at Hotel Expansion Summit


Mexico. Building Management was present at the last Hotel Expansion Summit held on May 30 and 31 in Cancun, an event that brought together more than 180 senior executives from government sectors, hotel chains, boutique hotels, associations, architects, engineers, consultants, investors, supplier companies, technology companies, equipment and hotel management in order to discuss hotel development and expansion and tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean.

During the event we had the opportunity to talk with Paola Vaquero, Regional Marketing and Conference Director of JPMundo, organizer of the meeting, who gave us a general balance of this interesting networking space.

Building Management: At the Hotel Expansion Summit, concerned about the economic problems worldwide, crucial issues were touched, what will be the future of hotel occupancy for the next 3 years in Mexico / Latin America?
Paola Vaquero: Despite the current economic challenges, I see significant opportunities for hotel occupancy growth in the region. Mexico and Latin America continue to be attractive tourist destinations, with a rich cultural offer, beautiful landscapes and a wide range of experiences for visitors. In addition, the region has made significant investments in hotel infrastructure, improving the quality of services and facilities. This has helped attract a greater number of tourists and has positioned Mexico and several Latin American countries as leading destinations in the tourism sector.

While it is true that the global economic problem can affect the hotel industry to some extent, tourism is a resilient sector that has demonstrated its ability to adapt and recover from previous crises. As the economy recovers we are likely to see an increase in travel demand and, therefore, hotel occupancy.

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It is critical that the hospitality industry remains adaptable and proactive in the face of changing traveller preferences and market trends. This means delivering personalized experiences, embracing innovative technologies, and prioritizing sustainability and social responsibility.

GDE: Within this event, what was the profile of the attendee, and which attendee was the one that predominated?
Paola Vaquero: Our event offers a unique and differentiated format compared to other industry conventions. It is specifically designed to bring together senior executives with extensive experience in the hospitality sector, who play a crucial role in the development and execution of ongoing projects. Among the profiles of the attendees, we find presidents, general managers, general managers, project managers and other key leaders in the industry.

In my opinion, two of the attendees who stood out for their magnificent presentations were Braulio Arsuaga, General Director of Grupo Presidente, and Mauricio Elizondo, Corporate Director of Development of Grupo Posadas.

Braulio Arsuaga addressed the changes that are being presented and will be presented in the future thanks to artificial intelligence, sharing relevant information about how this technology has been implemented and future projects involving these advances in the hotel industry.

On the other hand, Mauricio Elizondo focused his presentation on the changes and new demands of current generations and how the hotel industry must adapt to the demands of this new generation. His focus on adapting to the changing preferences and needs of customers, especially younger generations, was highly relevant and resonated with attendees.

These two speakers, along with other prominent leaders in the industry, contributed significantly to the quality and relevance of the discussions at our event. Their experience and knowledge enriched the shared perspectives and provided valuable insights into the future of hotel occupancy in Mexico and Latin America.

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GDE: Why is it important to continue attending/sponsoring these types of events?
Paola Vaquero: It is crucial to continue to participate in and support these types of events for several key reasons: firstly, these events allow us to stay on top of the latest trends and changes that are happening in the industry. It is a unique opportunity to receive first-hand information on innovations, strategies and best practices that can make a difference in the growth of companies.

In addition, these events provide us with the invaluable opportunity to learn from other outstanding professionals and industry leaders. We can get inspiring ideas and discover innovative approaches that can drive business growth. The exchange of knowledge and experiences at these events can be tremendously enriching.

Another important reason is the generation of commercial alliances. These events allow us to establish strategic contacts and form collaborations with other companies. By interacting directly with decision makers from other organizations, we can explore opportunities for collaboration, strategic partnerships, and synergies that can drive mutual growth and success.

Finally, by participating as a sponsor in these events, you have the opportunity to increase the visibility of the companies. Products and technological solutions can be highlighted to a relevant audience and demonstrate the value they can bring to the industry.

GDE: Could you give us a summary of the results and final numbers of this event?
Paola Vaquero: The event was really successful and exceeded our expectations in many ways. We had an impressive attendance with a large number of professionals from the hospitality industry and a wide representation of prominent companies. The quality of the presentations and presentations was exceptional, providing valuable information and inspiring perspectives on the key topics discussed.
In addition, we received extremely positive feedback from attendees.

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Overall satisfaction was high, highlighting the relevance and quality of the content presented. Participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn from prominent leaders, gain insight into the latest trends, and make strategic connections.

As for the sponsors, we are pleased to report that many of them had positive results. There were multiple cases of sponsors who managed to establish valuable contacts and close important business deals during the event. This result is a testament to the value the event provides to sponsoring companies and their ability to generate significant business opportunities.
As for the final numbers, we had a total attendance of 185 attendees, coming from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

We are extremely satisfied with the results obtained in this edition and we are proud to have provided an enriching experience for all participants. We hope that next year we can surpass ourselves even more and offer an even better event, with more learning, networking and business building opportunities for everyone involved.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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