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The sustainable construction sector met again in Bogotá


Colombia. More than 400 professionals met in Bogotá for the XIV version of Construverde, an event that returned to face-to-face and in which international guests from 7 countries also participated.

With its robust academic agenda, the main trends, opportunities and challenges that sustainable construction and urbanism bring to the Colombian context were announced. This edition also had networking spaces, achieving greater interaction between the different actors in the sector.

The importance of integrating those who enjoy the spaces, training them, informing them and making them aware of all the advantages of sustainable construction, is part of the success of how the construction sector and the Government can accelerate the process of demand and adoption of this type of buildings in the country. This is one of the conclusions of Construverde, the most important fair for sustainable construction in Latam.

Angélica Ospina, executive director (e) of the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction (CCCS), affirms that there are great advances that are being made by the hand of builders and different industrialists, who guide the development of the industry and that it is worth knowing. Even today there is an opportunity to act and there is a clear path from the Net Zero Carbon Roadmap, with transformative goals and actions that must be implemented from the construction sector, integrating its entire life cycle.

- Publicidad -

"Commitment is required on the part of the Government to seek methods and tools that facilitate the private sector to develop the necessary actions to reduce the impact of carbon. In addition, the vision requires us to develop accelerated programs to stop the climate change we are experiencing," says Linas Grigaliunas, president of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Council for Sustainable Construction (CCCS).

Another important aspect to take into account is, according to Cesar Ruiz, general and welfare manager at Setri Sustentabilidad BIC S.A.S., that sustainable construction ceases to be an option of choice and has a mandatory character, driven by the incentives of the National Government, tax discounts, support from multinational banks and local banks. and where the public is also aware and interested in this type of buildings.

"The most difficult challenge is people's awareness. We need mass communication campaigns so that they understand what it is to be sustainable and then by the law of supply and demand, this type of environmentally friendly constructions are encouraged, "says Ruiz de Setri.

Construverde broke records
Construverde, in its XIV version, managed to gather in just two days, more than 400 people in person, among which were more than 53 specialists from the construction sector, academia, international speakers and directors of international organizations. Within its agenda, more than 11 panels, 10 keynotes and high-level networking spaces were developed, as well as the launch of the third version of the CASA Colombia certification system. In addition, more than 300 were added virtually at the Latam level, which enriched this consolidated event as the most important sustainable construction in the Region.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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