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Panama as the epicenter of Facility Management: the importance of a congress in the region

Latin America. The technology and facilities management industry is constantly evolving, and the choice of location for key events such as congresses can have a significant impact on your success and in promoting advances and trends in the sector. CleanTEC and TecnoEdificios , two leading players in this industry, have taken a step by selecting Panama as the venue for their congresses. This decision not only demonstrates its commitment to innovation, but also reflects Panama's strategic potential as the epicenter of technology and facilities management in Central America.

CleanTEC and TecnoEdificios have been leaders in promoting innovation and best practices in facilities and technology management. The choice of Panama as the venue for its congresses demonstrates its continued commitment to these objectives. By bringing together international and local experts in a collaborative environment, these events have the potential to catalyze significant advances in the industry.

Facility Management is an essential discipline in the efficient management of buildings and facilities. Its impact ranges from improving operational efficiency to ensuring the safety and well-being of occupants. In this context, the celebration of a Facility Management Congress in Panama acquires significant relevance.

Panama has stood out as a business and logistics hub in Central America and the world. Its strategic position, the Panama Canal and its economic growth make it an ideal place to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences in Facility Management.

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Benefits of a congress in Panama
A Facility Management Congress in Panama provides an opportunity to share good practices and experiences between local and international professionals. This contributes to raising facility management standards in the region.

Global Connections: Panama is a meeting point for professionals from all over the world. A congress at this location facilitates interaction with international experts and promotes the adoption of global approaches to facilities management.

The congresses offer conferences, workshops and training opportunities that enrich the training of Facility Management professionals. This strengthens the industry and allows participants to acquire new skills.

The celebration of a Facility Management Congress in Panama is a significant step towards strengthening this discipline in the region. In addition to promoting innovation and best practices, it provides a forum for the exchange of valuable knowledge and experiences. This event can contribute to the sustainable growth of Panama and consolidate its position as a regional leader in facilities management.

The choice of Panama as the joint headquarters of CleanTEC and TecnoEdificios also fosters synergy between two interrelated but distinct areas. CleanTEC, focused on clean technologies and sustainability, and TecnoEdificios, dedicated to efficient facility management, can mutually benefit from each other's perspectives and experiences. This can lead to more complete and effective solutions in the industry.



Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Author: Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Coordinadora Académica KNX. Editora en Latin Press, Inc. Candidata al título: Magister en Economía Aplicada, con amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación y Políticas Públicas. [email protected]

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