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Mexico has the first SITES project in Latin America


Mexico. Las Riberas in Hermosillo, Sonora, is a residential project that obtained gold level certification in SITES v2, a rating system that guides, evaluates and certifies sustainability and resilience in the design, development and management of landscapes and other outdoor spaces.

Las Riberas was born from a dream of developing a residential project that exists in harmony with the environment, is safe and offers the highest quality of life. The SITES Gold certified project covers 115 hectares (284 acres) and is only the first phase of a larger 800-hectare project, with the same vision of sustainable living. The development includes a golf course, a school, an equestrian area with polo club and horse riding facilities, 25 kilometers of linear parks with cycle paths and walking trails, clubhouse with semi-Olympic swimming pools and event rooms, sports courts and a nursery with a community garden.

The project has demonstrated its commitment to living in harmony with nature by promoting biodiversity and respecting the local ecosystem by preserving native plants that were on site prior to its development and exclusively incorporating native plants into landscape design. Green areas promote socialization and human well-being and play a fundamental role in the management of rainwater in the place, respecting natural hydrological processes. In addition, drinking water is not used for irrigation thanks to the wastewater treatment plant.

Reduction of outdoor water use: An 81% reduction in the consumption of drinking water for landscape irrigation has been achieved, thanks to the wastewater treatment plant that serves the entire project. This treatment plant is expected to generate enough water to meet 100% of the project's irrigation needs.

- Publicidad -

Accessible rainwater facilities: The design of 100% of the stormwater facilities has focused on creating aesthetically pleasing and accessible recreational spaces for residents and visitors. These facilities are visually appealing and promote a connection to the local climate and hydrology. In addition, they play an essential role in the effective management of stormwater within the project.

Sustainable plant production: 80% of the plants installed in the project come from its own nursery, incorporating environmentally responsible practices in plant production. This includes the use of non-potable water for irrigation once the project's treatment plant is fully operational, the use of on-site compost as a sustainable soil amendment and growing medium, and the production of up to 60 low-maintenance native plant species. Special attention is also paid to three protected species. The project also ensures safe and fair working conditions for its team, reflecting its commitment to social responsibility and workplace equity.

Recycling of organic matter: 100% of the residues from vegetation pruning and food scraps are composted on site. By recycling vegetation cuttings and food waste to produce compost, the project responsibly closes the nutrient cycle while significantly reducing transportation costs and the amount of materials ending up in landfills. This also contributes substantially to improving soil health.

Diversion of waste: 100% of the residues of vegetation, minerals, rocks and soils generated during construction were diverted from conventional disposal. This demonstrates the commitment to being a net zero waste site, as it ensures that these materials are not sent to landfills. Waste management practices were implemented that promote reuse and recycling, contributing significantly to reducing the environmental impact during the construction process.

Stormwater Management: Through the stormwater facilities mentioned above, the project has the ability to manage rainfall events that are within the 95th percentile. These facilities are designed to effectively handle substantial volumes of rainfall, ensuring proper management even during exceptional rainfall events, thus strengthening the project's resilience to variable weather conditions.

Since the beginning of the project, the objective has always been to live in harmony with nature, promoting biodiversity and respecting the local ecosystem. That is why the Koval Group and Las Riberas as administrators have strived to develop a project that raises the standards of landscape sustainability, offering the community a totally respectful and responsible project with the ecosystem.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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