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Cloud Cost Management Will Become a Challenge for Businesses


Latin America. According to IDC Latin America, during 2023, 30.4% of Latin American companies will have to invest in the public cloud, so it is essential to properly manage its costs so as not to generate financial impacts on the budget.

In the digital age, the public cloud has transformed the way we store information and access online services. However, behind the convenience and flexibility it offers, there are hidden "hidden costs", a concern that both users and businesses need to address.

The public cloud offers a number of appreciated advantages, such as on-demand resource availability, the ability to scale quickly, and process automation. However, these same characteristics can lead to unexpected expenses if not carefully managed. Jesús López, Cloud and Hidden Costs specialist at TIVIT, explains that "hidden costs are those expenses that are not immediately visible, but that over time can accumulate and considerably affect the financial structure."

A major challenge lies in storage. Although public clouds offer generous capabilities, many users and businesses tend to accumulate unnecessary files and data, which quickly leads to exceeding free storage limits and thus leading to additional costs. Additionally, data transfers, such as downloading files or sending emails, can incur unexpected charges if not properly monitored.

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Lopez also emphasizes another critical aspect, "the over-allocation of processing resources is a common problem. Companies and users often acquire more capacity than necessary, resulting in costly underutilization, so resource optimization is key to mitigating hidden costs," says the expert.

In that sense, the adoption of cloud services, whether on a personal or business level, requires a more attentive and conscious mindset. To detect and mitigate hidden costs, Jesús López suggests some essential practices:
* Understanding the services: It is critical to fully understand the terms and conditions of the cloud services being used. Many hidden costs arise from additional features and functions that may go unnoticed.

* Use of monitoring tools: Take advantage of monitoring tools provided by cloud providers. These tools allow users to stay on top of their consumption and detect unusual spending patterns.

* Resource optimization: adjust resources efficiently. Avoid acquiring more capacity than necessary and look for ways to reduce resources when they are not in use.

* Regular debugging and cleaning: Perform regular cleaning of files and data. Remove outdated information and migrate to more cost-effective storage tiers.

* Seek expert advice: For businesses, having expert advice from cloud experts can be beneficial. Professionals can help identify and address hidden costs effectively.

"The public cloud offers immense opportunities, but it also requires careful management. Recognizing and preventing hidden costs is a shared responsibility between providers and users. Education and strategy are fundamental," concludes Jesús López.

Careful management of hidden costs becomes a critical factor for the financial success of both individuals and businesses. Understanding services, diligently monitoring consumption, optimizing resources, performing regular cleanings, and seeking advice are essential steps. The public cloud offers immense opportunities, but with a mindful and mindful mindset

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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