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First Facility Management Salary Report Presented

International. This cross-sectional study will mark a turning point in the way in which the discipline is understood within organizations, increasing the recognition of its professionals and giving greater credit to the contribution offered by the different companies in the sector.

The FM Observatory has presented at two events in Madrid and Barcelona the first cross-sectional report on salaries of the Facility Management discipline in Spain.

The study is the first of its kind in our country, and presents not only a novel structure for the way in which the areas and competences are divided, but also because it provides a unique relationship between responsibilities, experience and typology of profiles. A curiosity is that they differ between more than 60 positions, but the salary of a "Facility Manager" as such is not shown, since by definition they all are, and if it is not specified with the title in which area he works or what type of skills he has, it can not be correctly determined what his amount would be or the value can be misleading.

The study began to take shape three years ago and collects a large sample of more than 1600 values collected over 20 months. This figure far exceeds those of similar studies in other markets or salary reports from other sectors of our country, apart from offering much more detail and segmentation. This has led to the initiation of collaborations with organizations from other countries, with which the bases of the graphs have been shared, according to Cristina Vázquez, director of the FMHOUSE Institute, where the FM Observatory is located. 

- Publicidad -

In addition, Vázquez has announced that this is the last publication that is made entirely internally. "From now on the activities will be open to professionals from different countries to propose and collaborate in works or studies that are already underway," he said. The new studios will become part of the more than 30 titles that in recent years have become a documentary reference in the Spanish-speaking sector. At present there are already 8 new studies under this new conception. Each studio has a project leader who works with a team and receives support from the leaders of the country or the areas of competence.

This salary study has been led by David Martínez, renowned researcher in the field, consultant and co-author in the FM standardization processes, in addition to being the director of the FMHOUSE consultancy. In the words of Martínez, "The study can help the development of FM in other Spanish-speaking countries, where although salaries do not apply, it can serve to understand how FM can materialize in companies." In another of the interventions he comments, "If we who work in the sector do not worry about making it accessible and understandable to the rest of the actors in the organizations, nobody will. We must dedicate part of the time and resources of each one in growing our profession, which let's be honest, is very unknown outside our circles".

The new research director of the Observatory, Luis Barajas, also stressed that "This report can mark a before and after in the way in which the market understands Facility Management, not only by the classification of the areas, but by the way in which the necessary competencies are described in each one and the segmentation that is offered based on experience and the different roles that can be done. To give. It will also help to better design departments and training needs."

One of the most important revelations obtained is the correlation of results in most cases, differentiating between salaries of national and international companies and those of outsourced people. Other conclusions are expressed in the document, and the more time devoted to it, the greater the number obtained. That is why workshops open to the public will be organized this year, where work will be done in future editions and improvements will be commented on and possible annexes will be considered. 

The printed format of this report is a novelty, and has been possible thanks to a number of companies that, through a small contribution, have responded to the collaborative call that was made to achieve it. This is the reason why it will not be disseminated digitally as long as there are copies on paper, and that you can request us for free or through Apleona, CBRE, Clarosol, Eulen and Samyl.

The objective of the FM Observatory is to continue producing and sharing relevant material for the sector, always ethically and free of charge. In case you want to collaborate in other projects and know the ones that are underway, you can do it by registering through the page

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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