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Schneider Electric Transforms Energy System Management with EcoStruxure Energy Hub

International. Schneider Electric has launched EcoStruxure Energy Hub, a scalable, self-service, IoT-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. This innovative system simplifies the management of digitized electrical and energy systems and is now available for download on the App Store and through channels such as Schneider Electric, the EcoXpert Partner Channel, Distributors or Electrical Installers.

The EcoStruxure Energy Hub app is designed for owners and managers of commercial, industrial, and tertiary buildings. It makes it easy to comply with emerging energy standards and regulations, facilitating more efficient management of energy systems and contributing to more ambitious sustainability goals. The solution stands out for its unique ability to connect devices, collect data, and visualize energy consumption information in a matter of minutes, all from a simple smartphone app.

Simplicity and efficiency are key pillars of the EcoStruxure Energy Hub. Its graphical settings make it easy to adapt to the environment, while dashboards and reports are automatically populated to accelerate time to value. Based on a powerful energy platform designed by energy management specialists, this solution simplifies the task of understanding and analyzing data, promoting high awareness of energy expenditure and generating savings of up to 30%.

EcoStruxure Energy Hub, a web-based application, eliminates the need to install or maintain additional software, as new features are continuously released and automatically updated. In addition, it complies with the highest cybersecurity standards recognized worldwide, providing users with peace of mind regarding the secure transmission of data.

- Publicidad -

The solution also integrates EcoStruxure Panel Servers, next-generation IoT gateways for smart power distribution. This allows businesses to connect their energy and electrical infrastructure, collect data, and securely send it to the cloud in a matter of minutes.

EcoStruxure Energy Hub goes beyond regulatory compliance by offering energy analysis and benchmarking capabilities. This includes collecting and storing long-term energy data, categorizing energy use by load types, aggregating data by site, building, plant, area, or zones, and monitoring and reporting energy use according to specific regulations.

In addition, the solution provides real-time monitoring and alerts of disturbances in the electrical system, ensuring the proper operational functioning of a company. Alarm notifications can be reviewed and recognized remotely via the mobile app, with details shared between web and mobile apps for easy and secure access to information.

With the EcoStruxure Energy Hub, Schneider Electric has achieved an end-to-end solution that simplifies energy management, promotes efficiency and sustainability, and ensures cybersecurity in the construction and management of buildings. This launch marks a significant step forward in the digital transformation of energy management.

Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Author: Andrea Ochoa Restrepo
Coordinadora Académica KNX. Editora en Latin Press, Inc. Candidata al título: Magister en Economía Aplicada, con amplia experiencia en medios de comunicación y Políticas Públicas. [email protected]

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