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Beyond the day-to-day

Maintaining a good balance between operational and strategic functions is often a challenge in any job, regardless of the field in which we perform. Infrastructure management is no exception; in fact, many professionals are subject to dealing with emergency situations that can make it even more difficult to obtain this balance.

However, we must not forget that strategy is a fundamental part of the value we add to the companies in which we work. Short, medium and long-term planning, the measurement of results, continuous improvement plans, are elements that contribute to having a more complete vision of our work.

Given the above, a question may arise, and that is how to know what measures to take to improve the contribution we make to our work from the strategy. A very valuable tool in these cases is to talk to our colleagues to learn about their processes and learn from them.

In that sense, international events such as IFMA's World Workplace, the annual conference held by the International Association of Facility Management, are an interesting space to learn about trends in current property management and meet professionals from all over the world.

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Local training events are also a good opportunity to learn more about the activities carried out by companies closer to our reality. The important thing is that you always maintain the curiosity to learn and the interest in bringing new approaches to the organization.

Lyda Durango
Author: Lyda Durango
Marketing Services

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